No.1 Flaming Chefs 🍡

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Description: ZB1 has a cooking competition that is so intense that it's sparks literal flames of rivalries... 🤭

"Gah" Gyuvin spluttered as Ricky tightened the apron around him incredibly tight, cutting off all his circulation.

Gyuvin glared at him in annoyance.

"Bitch- why can't you be more like Hanbin hyung!" He hissed as he turned to Hanbn gently tying the apron on a giggling Matthew with a cute little bow.

Matthew happily patted down his apron and let out little jumps of excitement. He looked around at their set, filled with cooking materials and kitchen supplies, ready for ZB1's first ever cooking competition!

"Seokmae, you little cutie patootie" Hanbin sung as he fondly pinched Matthew's cheeks and blew him raspberry kisses.

"Hyung - " He giggled as he leant up on his tipi toes to rub his head together with his best friend's. Taerae slowly went to cover Jiwoong's eyes as he felt the older slowly pouting over Matthew's closeness with their leader.

"I'm going to win him over with my amazing cooking skills today!" Zhang Hao exclaimed as he channeled his inner number one energy. That didn't exist anywhere except on stage.

Gunwook laughed and slapped Zhang hao's back, telling him he'd have to be in line. Matthew was... to say the least, the member's favourite sunshine.

It was an understatement that they would always hold mini secret competitions to win over Matthew's affections, for the boy was so full of love to give that they couldn't help but adore him back. Every time the Maknae's were tired or struggling, Matthew would be there for them to lean on. To cuddle with or to cheer them up with a little late night karaoke.

And when the older members were trying to take too much on, Matthew would always be there to share their burden, too cook food for them and encourage them with gentle compliments.

"Matthew's so perfect..." Taerae whispered as Jiwoong hissed and strangled him in his apron. Yujin skipped over to Matthew and clung onto his arm.

"Matthew hyung! Let's win this competition today!" He exclaimed as Matthew brightly agreed and together they pranced around.

Ricky huffed out in annoyance. "Hah, bold of you to assume that you're teaming up with Matthew hyung today" He snapped as he went to wrap an arm around Matthew's waist. Matthew sighed as everyone started clambering around him. Not again.

He looked to the MC for help, only to see it was his one and only favourite person.

"KEITA HYUNG?! You're the host today?!" Matthew asked as he broke free and ran up to Keita and crushed him in a hug. "Mattchu!" Keita screamed, as he lifted Matthew up and swung him around.

"Hyung! I can't believe I get to see you so soon" Matthew exclaimed as he left his 8 members hanging and let Keita ruffle his hair fondly. "Of course I agreed straight away. Someone needs to keep you guys in check" He mumbled, staring pointedly at Hanbin who was averting his eyes guiltily.

Hanbin quickly snapped out of it as he pulled Matthew back towards him, hugging him tightly as he said "Keita, I'm glad you're back! Let's have some fun today!"

What Keita really heard behind his angelic smile was "Dont you dare steal Seokmae away today or I will-"... yeah he really didn't want to get into the deep words that Hanbin would use, in fear of ruining his perfect reputation in his mind.

"Well, im back! And today I'm going to be judging you guy's cooking skills!" He exclaims as Taerae lets out a series of whoops.

"I hope we get to eat the dessert!" Gunwook said as Matthew blanched. Anything but cheesecake please.

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