Cinderella, is that tthew?!

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Description: ZB1 embarks on a journey of Cinderella, and as always, no one can compete with the charm of our resident sunshine 👟


"I'm going to shove this slipper up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up-" Gyuvin yelled as he threw a set piece at Ricky's head.

"Well, it's not my fault that you suck ass at acting so you decided to drag me here," Ricky fumed back as they both turned away from each other, frowning.

"Ricky ah, you really don't have to perform if you don't want to," Matthew said quietly as he placed a hand on Ricky's shoulder.

"Nah ah hyung, if I don't go on stage who knows what those idiots would do to your innocence," he said quietly as he hissed at Zhang Hao, Hanbin and Jiwoong all staring at Matthew dreamily.

Ahh, this was only their second day as a team and Matthew could already feel a headache setting in. It was Jiwoong's last year of college before he graduated and Taerae suggested their friend group join the theatre club.

The fucking theatre club.

No hate, but Matthew could be doing so many other things right now that didn't include auditioning for the role of an ugly step sister.

And so, surprise surprise! They were forced to hold a reimagining of the play, Cinderella, for the school festival in a week. And here they were, sitting around on stage and discussing who would play each role.

"Wait- but I feel like there's not enough people to play all the characters so I should go drag some people in-" Gunwook said logically as Zhang Hao pulled him back.

"Nah ah, we said we'd pull this off by ourselves so we gotta do it!" Zhang Hao exclaimed as the rest of them hummed in agreement.

Matthew and Gunwook exchanged glances, this wasn't going to end well.

"Ok first let's decide the most insignificant- sorry I meant the most significant role," Hanbin coughed as he assumed the leader position.

"Who's gonna be the mouse?" He asked as everyone avoided his eyes. Matthew wasn't planning on putting all his efforts into this play so seeing as no one was volunteering, he happily raised his hands.

"I will!" He said happily as everyone stiffened and looked around at each other.

"Nah, Matthew in a mouse costume would be too cute" Jiwoong mumbled as Hanbin said in a panic "no one?!"

Matthew pouted and raised his hand, "Hanbin hyung, I can do it-"

"NO!" Yujin screamed as he forcefully put Matthew's hand down and jumped on him. Matthew grunted as Yujin wrapped around him like a koala and pouted "I'll be the mouse" Yujin said proudly as claps erupted.

Yujin smiled to himself. He had to protect his favourite hyung from losing his dignity as a mouse. Even if he had to sacrifice himself.

"Yujinnie will be the cutest mouse to exist," Matthew cooed as he pinched Yujin's cheek, making the youngest one beam.

Gyuvin rolled his eyes and dragged a whiny Yujin off Matthew.

Hanbin laughed at his younger friend's love for his best friend and asked the question that been hanging around in the air for a while, although left unsaid.

"Ok? Soooo, who'sgonnabecinderella?" He said in one breath as multiple members struggled to escape.

"Nah, Matthew you're our most likely candidate so you have to stay here," Hanbin said calmly as he held onto a protesting Matthew.

Matthew paled, and knew his life of peacefulness would be over if he indulged in his friend's antics.

"I think Hao hyung would look really good in a wig," Ricky teased as Zhang Hao gave him an evil glare. Matthew looked between them as JIwoong gave his own suggestions.

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