(Im sorry) Trans Blades [Smut]

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[We're gonna be starting horni 😈]

[Kinks: thigh riding]

Blades walked out of his room, seeing nobody around. He walked out to the living room, seeing Bee sitting  on the couch.

The thing is, Bee was wearing only sweatpants. And by only sweatpants, I mean only sweatpants. The waistband was showing his v-line off, his muscles were something Blades couldn't look away from. Even if Blades seemed innocent and sweet, even he had some fucked up interests.

He rarely could be around Bee alone for hours and hours, since his mind would wander to fantasies of Bee pinning him to a wall or to his bed and choking him, or ones where Blades would have to endure multiple rounds even after reaching his max. Now those fantasies were his favorite. Just thinking about it got him excited.

"Blades? Birdy, what's wrong? Why are you just standing there?" Bee asked, looking over to Blades.

"Hm? Oh- uh- lost in thought! A-Anyway, where are the others?" Blades shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and the Burns are all at some event for the rest of the day. It's a new exhibit in the museum that they're introducing, and they know you have anxiety with public speaking, so they let you stay home. Cody, Frankie, and Russell are at the new exhibit too. I stayed back to make sure you weren't alone," Bee said as he walked over to Blades.

"Oh, okay. So it's just us home then?" Blades asked, starting to think about walking away.

"Yeah, but I was thinking-" Bee grabbed Blades by the arm, pulling him closer. He leaned down so that he was next to Blades's ear. "- maybe we could have a bit of fun.~ The others will be out all day you know, so why not make the most of it?~" Blade's face flushed red as he thought of all the possibilities that Bee could mean by 'have a bit of fun'.

"Is he talking about games? Maybe movies? He's gotta be... there's no way hes talking about.. that... right? I mean, he wouldn't possibly think of doing that with me. He's Cybertronian royalty for crying out loud! I'm nothing compared to him! I'm just a Rescue Recruit!" Blades's mind seemed to nearly shut down from how fast his train of thought was. Bee chuckled at Blade's reaction.

Bee started to lead Blades back to his room, holding Blades's wrist as he pulled him gently to the door. Once they were in his room, Bee locked his door before he pulled Blades to the bed and pinned him down.

"B-Bee.. what kind of fun is this..?" Blades tried to play dumb. "Oh please, don't play innocent. I've seen how you look at me. I've seen how long you look at me, how long you look at my arms, I've seen how far into that rabbit hole that is your mind that you go into when you look at me. You've always had a hard time looking away from me, no matter what we've been doing. You've been wanting to do this for a long time, I know you have. You want me, and I want to hear you say it, naui salang.~" Bee spoke, his hands roaming Blades's body.

"S-Since when do you call me naui salang..?"Blades's ears turned red from his blush." Blades wrapped his arms around Bee's neck.

"Just now, darling. What, do you not want me to call you that? Do you not want me to call you my love?" Bumblebee's hands went up Blades's shirt, feeling up and down the smaller's sides.

Eventually, Bee went higher. He went to take Blades's shirt off, yet felt something under the shirt. "Hm? Blades, what is this?" Bumblebee asked, now feeling a zipper in the middle of whatever it was that Blades had on.

"Uhm..I-I uh.. I-It's a binder..." Blades looked away, noticing Bee's confused look.

"Oh? You're trans? No no no, don't look away from me, look at me. Look. at. me." Bee made Blades look at him, grabbing the smaller's chin and forcing Blades to look at him.

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