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Hello! Welcome to the first 'Shorties'. These will be chapters with multiple minishots that are too short to make into actual oneshots. Think of them as 'on crack' vids.


Blades was laughing with the Rescue Bots, who had just finished a long mission.

"I'm glad that Bee came to help. I must thank him next time we see him," Chase said, making Blades's eyes light up at the thought of the veteran.

"Yeah! Bee's such a great friend! He always helps me when he can, and I always try to help him! Even if I'm not trained in his carrer, he still asks for help here and there! I think there's a word for it... friends with benefits?" Blades looked confused when Cheif Burns choked on his drink.

"Blades, do you even know what 'friends with benefits' even means?!"

"No? Is it not a good thing..?"

Kade facepalmed while Dani tried to hold in her laughter. They had just walked in with Bee.

"Blades, I think you're thinking of just regular friends." Bee said, startling Blades.

Blades looked confused, leaving everyone else to laugh.

2: Surprise?

Blades sat in his room, bored out of his mind. There was nothing to do. No games to play that he hadn't played the ever loving hell out of, no people to talk to, no online friends that were currently online.

"Hey! Blades! Bee and his team are here!" Cody ran in, Russell right behind him.

Blades shot up, Cody and Russell barely saw him as he ran down the hall.

The moment Blades stepped into the Groundbridge Bay, he could see Bee above everyone. He was just a bit taller than everyone else, only being an inch or two taller than Heatwave, but his fluffy bright blonde hair poofed up higher than the rest.

"Eh? Who's- BLADES!" Bee yelled out, seeing the medic at the doorway. He ran over, picking Blades up in a huge bear hug.

"Bee! What are you doing here? What's going on?" Blades hugged back.

"We were sent to-" Armstrong was cut off by Bee.

"Don't worry about it for now. My dad said we have some time before we help you guys out with renovations."

"Oh, you're here to help with the renovations? Awesome! Maybe I won't drag the others down so much.."

"Don't think like that Birdy! You're amazing at nearly everything you do!"

"Bee, last time I helped the team I had to go sit in my room because I slipped and the hammer in my hand flew up and him me in the face."

Bee looked close to laughing, and eventually he couldn't hold it.

"Birdy how do you manage to do that and still be as pretty as you are?" Bee asked while snickering, which now gained the others' attention.

"Bee! Not in front of the otheeeerrrs!" Blades whined.

"I'll do what I want. I am still technically superior to you since you aren't royal by marriage quite yet."

"Quite yet? The hell you do mean by that?" Heatwave's gruff voice boomed in the large room.

"Oh? Did Blades not tell you all?"

"Tell us what, Blades?" Boulder stepped into Blades's view.

Blades blushed as he buried his face into Bee's chest.

"Blades and I are dating. We've been dating for months now. No, wait, isn't it a year and a half now?" Blades responded with a 'mhm'.
I'm getting tired, and have no inspo rn so I'm gonna work on my last wip. Bye! ♡

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