Heatwave x Blades!

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This chapter was made for GeeMaiilz! This is a different ship, but while I was looking at the stuff they read they have lots of Heatwave x Blades stuff. I suggested a oneshot of this in my past A/N and they said they'd like it, so here it is!

Started:27/4/23 [Day/Month/Year]


Heatwave walked through the fire house. He didn't know what to do, he was embarrassed.

Who wouldn't? He just heard Blades, who has been his long-time crush for three years now, venting to Chase about how confused he was about his feelings. Blades told Chase he was in love with Heatwave.

I mean, how would you react to your long time crush telling one of your friends that they're in love with you?

Well, Heatwave took it as a sign to confess. He approached Danni, who already knew something was wrong.

"Hey, Danni? I need your help with something," Heatwave crossed his arms and looked away.

"Hm? Oh, sure! What is it Heatwave?"

"Do you know what... ugh, how do I say this.."

"Petunias and dark chocolate. He loves those," Danni said, leaving Heatwave confused. "Wh- What?"

"You want to confess to Blades, right? Get him petunias and dark chocolate. He loves them," Danni laughed.

"Well.. can you help me with it? I don't know what to do.."

"Of course Heatwave! C'mon, let's go get them now."


Heatwave stood in his room, flowers in a beautiful bouquet and the chocolate box on his bed. Danni helped him pick everything out, which helped a lot.

As planned, Heatwave grabbed the gifts, left his room, and went to Blades's room. He could hear music inside. 'Clair de Lune' to be specific.

Heatwave knocked on the door, waiting till Bladez opened it.

"Oh! H-Heatwave! Can I help you with something?"

"Yeah, I uh... I wanted to give you these. Figured you'd like them.." Heatwave looked away, his face turning more red than before as he held out the flowers and chocolate.

Blades took them, giggling as he went back into his room and placed them on the table near his bed. He walked back to Heatwave and pulled him into the room and closed the door.

Blades pushed Heatwave onto a pillow and blanket pile on his bed. He turned of the music and turned the TV in his room on. Blades crawled onto Heatwaves lap, wrapping his arms around the firefighters neck.

"Hope ya didn't plan on doing anything else tonight, 'cus you seem like you need cuddles!" Blades looked at Heatwave, only to be met with Heatwave covering his mouth and looking away.

"Damnit Blades, you already knew, didn't you.."

"Chase may or may not have told me~! But that's not the point, you wanna watch a drama, action, or comedy?"

"Why not a romance?" Heatwave had somehow turned Blades around, now Blades was facing the TV instead of facing Heatwave.

"Sir, you're running a risk there. I don't watch many romance movies, so I don't know which ones we can watch or not."

"Well, what about 'Love Actually'? It's a rom-com."

Blades smiled, going to Netflix and finding the movie.

"Oooh! It looks like a good choice!"

Next morning

Blades opened his eyes, still sprawled out on Heatwave. That's right.. Blades fell asleep on Heatwave after the movie.

Oh well. Guess it's time to sleep again.


I'm so sorry it took sooooo long. I ran out of motivation and started running out at the end :[

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