CHAPTER IV: Spirit Animal.

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"Some people talk to animals.
Not many listen, though.
That's the problem."

― A.A. Milne.

I have to get away from her before I do something really stupid, I touched her, that's enough idiocy for one night.

Who the fuck does Narciso think he is? Parading Alexandra as if she was for sale, I was going to punch him if I didn't get my shit together.

And then Alexandra goes and slams into me, all big brown eyes and pouty lips. And I just had to touch her, I couldn't control myself, didn't want to.

Now she's outside and I want to follow her, just to know she's safe.

Who am I kidding? She's like a drug, I just want to have my eyes on her at all times. I sent one of my men to watch her. Discreetly, of course.

I'm surrounded by a group of men who want to do business with my father, of curse they don't know papà has retired, after his heart attack last year we agreed it was best if I took over early. We're close enough to the door that I can hear if something happens, but not too close as to appear secluded.

Riccardo looks bored, and I know Massim well enough to know he's itching to get out of here, I am too, but at least we hide it well.

The door opens, and Alexandra walks in looking as if she's seen a ghost, she's shivering. When we arrived, it looked like it would rain. Did she slip off the porch, or did she step into the rain. My guy hasn't texted me. What the fuck happened?

I'm about to walk to her when Massimo grasps my bicep and says; "Right, Arturo?" His eyes dare me to contradict him, but he would never lead me into a trap, so I glare at him.

"Of course." I spit.

Riccardo's head snaps to the left, when the door bangs closed, "Excuse me, gentlemen" He says as he steps out of the circle, Alexandra is now close enough for me to listen when they speak.

"Dance with me, Rory." Riccardo says.

"Fuck off, Riccardo" She snaps.

"It wasn't a request." He grabs her arm and drags her to the other side of the room. They join the dancefloor in the middle of a song.

I keep my eyes on them.

Alexandra glares at him, still with a frightened expression, but fierce nonetheless.

They share a few heated words, and then Alex softly shakes her head, brows furrowed, Riccardo rubs his thumb against the back of her hand and pulls, so they're pressed together.

She rests her head against his chest, and he gently strokes the back of it as if she's made of glass. She steps back, eyes narrowed, Riccardo looks at her as if he's annoyed, lips pressed into a thin line.

Massimo's voice snaps my gaze away from them. "Of course, we'll talk more later." The men shake our hands and leave. Massimo turns to me. "I have known you for twenty two years, and in all my life you have never been so sloppy, its as if the closer we get to her being yours the stupider and stupider you become, I hope this stops tomorrow or you'll be dead by the end of the year" Its not a threat, he would never kill me, just as I would never kill him.

He's right. You gotta get your shit together, Angelo.

I ignore him and turn my gaze to the Capone brothers, the song has ended and Alexandra is no longer with Riccardo, I force myself not to look for her and instead follow Riccardo as he walks towards us.

"What happened?" I spit once he's in front of us.

"Its raining" He says by way of explanation, when he sees me raise my eyebrows he adds "She has a thing with rain, I'll explain later" He scratches the back of his neck and looks around the room "Right now I have to go find Father" He closes his eyes and after a final sigh he says; "Don't look for me, I'll be groveling"

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