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And he said...

...bruises are just leftover nightmares.
-Anthony T. Hincks

I stare into papa's eyes only to find them empty, if someone had done this to mamma he wouldn't have wasted a second, they would have been dead in less then an hour "I am going to kill him" Its not a question, or a suggestion, its a statement.

He sits across from me in my office -Formerly his- calm as a fucking peach, while I just want to strangle several Capones, "If you kill Narciso in the rather graphic way you just described everyone will know it was you, it will mean war" He references how I've been describing several ways I want to kill him for the past half hour, "Family comes first, and she is not family yet, you have to think about the outcome Arturo, you can't just rush into these things. Get married, let the tensions cool off, reap the profits of this alliance, maybe he'll die of natural causes" He chuckles "But if he doesn't and you still want to kill him, by all means, do so" He doesn't even shift on his chair while he says this.

"You didn't see the bruises that covered the entirety of her stomach, or the way her hands trembled, I am Don, if I say I'm going to kill him I'm going to fuckin kill him"

"Do not insult me by telling me I don't know something, regazzo. I have seen and done way worse things than you will ever do, I built this Empire from the ground up, I bled for it, Bishop City was magnificent long before you were ever born. You are Don today, because of the sins I committed, if you don't respect the people that came before you, respect your father, after all you live under his fucking roof" I want to tell him its actually the Don's house, but the look he gives me as he stands up has me slamming my mouth shut.

The entire frame of the door rattles when he slams it shut, Massim, who had been silently sitting beside papà, clears his throat. "I think you might have hurt his ego a little bit," He laughs.

"He's becoming sensitive in his old age," I mutter.

Massim laughs "I think he's wrong, I think you can kill him" My head swivels toward him because he's usually my voice of reason, he's the laid back one, easy going, unlike me, he doesn't have many impulsive kills under his belt, but the ones he does, have me thinking: Maybe our monsters are the same "But if you kill him, the treaty will be over before it even started" Massim says.

"The treaty has been in place for over five years."

"All those years and you wont even get to keep her" His lips press together in a small tight smile, "So, kill him, don't kill him, at the end of the day its your choice, your fiancée, and the outcome, as papa so graciously put it will undoubtedly be yours" His smile twists into something wicked. "Though, if I am being completely honest, I say you kill him" He taps my desk with his index finger and without braking eye contact he whispers, "I've been wanting to do it myself for several years now, the world wont miss him, and I think we can manage one excruciating death without anyone knowing it was us" See? Same fucking monsters.

I'm laughing softly when he closes the door on his way out. I check the clock, its nearly eight AM, I should really head into the office, I have a meeting with the board today, regarding our new construction project, its a series of hotels across the nation.



"The mics and cameras have been removed, courtesy of Angelo," Dick says as we step inside my apartment Friday morning.

"Are you certain?" I ask.

"I wouldn't have said anything if I wasn't," He answers.

I glance at my watch. It's nine thirty-two, "Why did he do that?" I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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The Darkest Shade Of Black - An Arranged Marriage Dark Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now