She's my reason for good. Everything that's happened, it's because of her.

"You're my best decision, Mrs Miller." Smiling down at her, she tiptoes up and locks her lips with mine. Kissing her was like she was removing my worries, what I had been worrying about seems to have disappeared and for the first time in a year, I finally felt like my old self.

Finally having her as my wife felt like the heavens have been lifted above me. In fact, I was in heaven—and she was my heaven. Marrying her was the completion of our story, living with her for the rest of my life was the best thing that's happened to me.

And for Dalia to have a mother has never made me happier.

"It sounds too good, baby." She lets out a giggle, biting down her lips as well as her cheeks turning pink.

"It sure does. You're mine, Mrs Miller—today, tomorrow, forever." Happiness was on the tip of my tongue, peace was written all over my face and love was around me. It was a moment that I could never forget, a moment where I would relive just so I can marry her over and over again.

"I wouldn't let myself leave you. You got me, forever. I promise, Elijah."

"Oh, I know. I never let you go the first time, I won't let it happen ever." She tilts her head to the side, clearly knowing what I was talking about. That first encounter with her was probably an encounter that I'll never forget.

"I love you." Pressing a kiss on the corner of my lips, my heart palpitates in milliseconds rather than seconds and my stomach twists in knots whilst hearing her speak.

"But darling, I love you where the stars and moon meet, I love you to the point where I would kill myself to see you live, I love you so fucking much that you bring heaven to me, you bring me back to life."

"Elijah, you saying things like that—"

"Me saying things like that shouldn't be a problem. I want you to hear those things, I want you to hear how much I fucking love you. Though, my words will never be enough to tell you how much I love you." Hushing her, her eyes turn glossy and start to well up with tears. I wipe them with my thumb, making her quiet so she doesn't cry.

"Your words are always enough, baby." She almost chokes on her words, I press a kiss on her forehead, letting my lips rest on it for a while.

"I will never be able to describe my love for you." My heart warms up, constricting as I think about the words I could tell her which still wouldn't be enough.

"What's the bet that Rico and Santi will call it that they'll get for getting married secretly?" Changing the subject, her laugh makes me smile obliviously, but soon my lips erupt into a burst of laughter.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine."


Having everyone here tonight was like a welcoming to new beginnings. Seeing them come with excitement and relief made me realise that everything was worth it. And no one has seen me face these struggles as much as Santi and Rico have.

"You look happy." Both of them approach me as I think about them, smiles on their faces as they greet me. Santi has always been the first to notice if something has changed with me and hearing him say I was happy finally made it believable.

"I sure am."

"You are and you didn't think once to invite us to your secret wedding." Letting out a chuckle, I knew Rico would be the one to act like he was mad about my marriage.

"Rico, you can pretend to be mad all you want but you're happy for me. Your face shows it clearly." Smirking at him, it takes him two seconds to pull me into a hug and congratulate me.

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