A Whisker Away Crossover

Start from the beginning

As the cloud vanishes, I look at myself to find fur. Black fur.

I yelp, but all that comes out is a tiny 'Meow!'

I scramble towards my mirror, only to see a black kitten with greens eyes staring back at me. I move my paw, so does the cat.

I'm a freaking cat.

I start to panic, I can't be a cat! I won't be able to go to class...

Wait. Being a cat means no school. No annoying teachers or stupid Nancy.

I can escape everyone.

——Time skip——

"Percy!" I hear Grover yell across the playground. "Percy! Where are you? Come back, please!"

I hide in the bushes, away from his sight as he wanders around with Mr Brunner, trying to find me. But Percy is gone.

I'm just a black kitten, and I can escape anything.

——Time Skip——

"So, are you ready to really become a cat?" The Mask seller asks me, leaning on a wall in the shadows.

"No..." I say, thinking about Grover and Mom. "I can't leave my family."

"Well, keep the mask. You'll know where to find me if you wear it again." Then, he jumps up, then comes back down, squeezing his way into a chimney. I will never understand how he does that.

I do a somersault, my cat mask lands on the pavement. I slip it into my hoodie pocket, then walk back up to the school, knocking.

"Hello, welcome to Yancy-" The teacher stops herself when she sees me. "The boy is back! Mr Jackson is back!"

Grover comes running into the hall, and pulls me into a hug. "Percyyyy! I was looking all over for you! Never do that again!"

I chuckle, hugging him back. "Don't worry, I won't do something like that for a long time."

"You two boys go back to your dorms, and Percy?" The teacher asks.

"Yes m'man ?"

"Take a shower for goodness sake, you reek of mud and rain."

"Yes m'man."

——Time skip—— (After the Giant War)

I'm in my cabin, looking at the mask once again. Even after all these years, I still kept it. I hadn't used it since Yancy, maybe it is time to change that.

After all, I have been stressed out a lot lately, and I do need to escape my life, just for a little bit.

I put the mask on, take a deep breath, then roll.

I feel the sensation of my body shifting into a cat, then once it's finished, I look into the mirror.

The black cat is back.

I climb up onto my windowsill, then hop out my open window. I gracefully land on the grass with a soft 'Pift.'

I decide to wander a bit, but I remind myself that I cannot get caught. I walk past the Athena cabin, and a familiar scent catches me. 'Annabeth...' I think, as I walk towards the cabin window.

I meow loudly, but she doesn't notice me. She's entranced by her book, so I meow louder. This time, she notices me. She gets up, sliding in a bookmark and opens the window.

"Hey little one, how did you get through the barrier?" She asks, picking me up and placing me on her bad.

I simply meow, tilting my head. She chuckles, and lays down beside me. "What am I thinking?" She mutters to herself, "Cats can't understand me."

Percy Jackson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now