Chapter XIII - Item: Suspicion

Start from the beginning

Picking it up I flung it in Kay's direction, watching in amusement as it bounced off her head, causing her to whip her head around, and we both watched as it landed on the duvet. Letting out an eager gasp, she leapt on the bed, snatching it up.

"HELLO KITTY!!" she shrieked. Embracing the teddy with a grip tight enough to strangle a man, she buried her face into the short felt fur. "Ohhh I've missed you so much." She mumbled.

"Everything alright in there?"

We both froze at the sound of Bilbo's voice calling through the door. Looking at the stuff that had appeared, I got to my feet as quickly as possible, despite my ankle, and beckoned for Kay to put the stuff back in the chest, which she began straight away. I turned towards the door and called out to Bilbo.

"We're fine! Kay just uhhhh..-" I scanned the room, spotting the teddy on the bed, "She thought she saw a cat outside!"

It was silent for a moment before Bilbo responded.

"Ok then... As long as you're both alright!"

"Yeah! Yea, it's chill." I went to go help Kay before he spoke up again.

"Chill?" He questioned, "Are you both cold? Don't tell me I forgot to put your blankets back in there?"

I looked at Kay, who was busy gripping the chest in an attempt to stop herself from laughing out loud. I took a breath to calm myself.

"No it's ok! We're both fine, there's nothing to worry about!" I called back, slapping Kay lightly on the shoulder when she snorted slightly.

"Oh ok then, call for me if you do need anything." Bilbo replied.

We both called out our thanks as we listened to his footsteps fade away, and we waited a beat before speaking again.

"Why don't you check your room to see if your stuff has appeared?" Kay piped up from behind me.

I shot up in realisation. "Oh yeah!"

Swinging Kay's door open, I sped-walked to the other side of the hobbit hole, past a very surprised Bilbo as I ducked and weaved under beams and chandeliers. Barging into my room, I looked around for anything that could potentially hide a large and very overpacked suitcase. I rummaged through drawers, opened chests, and even stuck my head under the bed, but I felt disappointment dawn on me as I realised that nothing of my own had appeared. Feeling disheartened, I brought myself out from underneath the bed frame and sat slumped on the floor. Looking around for anywhere I could've missed in my search, nothing revealed itself, causing my mood to lower even further.

With a sigh, I decided to go with my last resort, and pushed myself to my feet. Opening the door, I trudged disappointingly through the house, ducking my head into each archway as I searched for our host. As I bent to look into the kitchen, I finally spotted Bilbo as he stirred his evening cup of tea.

Hesitating a little, I took a small breath before knocking gently on the doorframe. Though not gently enough apparently – the noise still sent a jolt through the hobbit, but he managed to gather himself soon after.

"Ah, Kate! I was just about to bring these to you two." He gestured to two steaming cups of fresh tea on the table. "Thought you could use something to warm you two up."

I felt a smile make its way onto my face at the adorable thought of him worrying about us, and I swiftly ducked through the arch.

"Oh, thank you!"

He pushed a cup towards me with a warm smile, taking his own cup as he sat down. Remembering what I came here for, I sat myself down on one of the small chairs. Placing my elbows on the table and resting my chin on my hands, I looked around nervously and hesitantly opened my mouth to say something. I eventually looked back at Bilbo, who was now staring curiously at my behaviour.

To the Shadows that Cry Witch || Kíli DurinWhere stories live. Discover now