There's A World Where Dreams ComeTrue part 2

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"Now, remember, if anybody starts messing with you, just play it cool," Alaric says as he pulls into the school parking lot. "What is happening now," Lizzie asks."My guess, we no longer go to a supernatural school," Josie says. "Don't worry, Dad. We know. No magic allowed," Josie's replica says. "Blah, blah, blah. Public school. Makes sense," Lizzie's replica adds annoyed. "All right, well, I hate to sound like a broken record, but if you expose your powers..." Alaric says, paring the car and turning to look between the twins' replicas. "You risk becoming a target," both girls' replicas say. "All right, girls, we'll see you in class," Alaric says before getting out of the car.

The twins' replicas enter the school's side door into the gym. "Lizzie, do me a favor and try to keep it together today, okay?" Josie's replica says. "It's important" Josie's replica adds. "Okay," Lizzie's replica says. "Homecoming queen! Big night," Connor cheers coming up to the twins.
"Thanks," Josie's replica says. Connor kisses Josie's replica and she melts into the kiss. "No, no, no, no," Lizzie complains. "Lizzie," Josie scolds. "I am the captain of the ash and you  ship with Lucifer ," Lizzie says. "This cannot happen," she adds, gesturing to the couple. "That wasn't an invitation, Connor. And that is inappropriate," Lizzie's replica says. "Your sister's being weird again," Connor complains. "Cut her some slack. It's hard being the only one on Homecoming without a date," Josie's replica says.
Lizzie's replica looks down embarrassed. "Wait. I don't have a date?" Lizzie shouts. She then turns to Finn, "Go find Lucifer ," she demands. "I am not your little errand boy," Finn says. Josie turns to him and Lizzie gives him a look that promises violence. "I'll go find Lucifer ," Finn says leaving, the twins hear him say, "Damn you, Kol."

"Wait are you damning me," Kol asks. "Because you taught them to find someone that complimented the twin personality," Finn says. Lucifer and Lizzie and Elitoy and Owen exchange a look and then nod realizing that they had the same personality.

The Mikaelson teenagers watch Kol slaughter an entire church service. Then the two witches from his playhouse walk through the doors. Finn appears, "Lucifer , Lizzie needs you," he says. Lucifer immediately turns and gets ready to follow him but stops when his cousins and BestFriend start fake coughing.
"Whipped," they all mutter. He glares at them and then turns to Finn, "What happened," Lucifer asks. "Well, she does not have a date to the Homecoming dance," Finn deadpans.
"What the hell am I thinking," Lucifer asks. "You aren't exactly there," Finn says. "Oh," Lucifer says. "What's going on here," Finn asks. "Uh, 1914, Uncle Kol recruited Lucifer 's and Elitoy's distant grandmother and another witch to help him make a golden dagger," mikayla explains. "Huh," Finn says. "And the mass murder," he asks. "Well, he had to get into that woman's house," Hope says. "And the others saw him kill her," ivy says. Finn nods, "Sublty was never Kol's strong suit," he mutters. The Mikaelsons shrug, agreeing with him.
Kol and the two witches leave the church and the teen follow him. "Finn, go back to Elizabeth," Lucifer shouts. Finn rolls his eyes and then disappears.

Kol smirks at the memory, as he tries to ignore his brother's glare and the glare his receiving from Davina.
Lizzie smiles at the fact that Lucifer was so ready to come find her.

"I can't wait to see what you have planned for tonight,"
Connor tells Josie's replica. "I'm pretty sure you're gonna like it," Josie's replica says blushing. "Ooh," Connor says walking away. "I am so confused," Lizzie says. "You're still into Connor?" Lizzie's replica asks. "Lizzie, we talked about this. He's QB. I'm head cheer. It just makes sense," Josie's replica says. "Here's your skinny vanilla latte," a voice says from behind the twins' replicas. "Thanks, D, Josie's replica says. "Your replica is friends with Dana," Lizzie says to her twin. Josie makes a face at the thought. Don't mind my sister she's having one of her off days," Josie's replica says to Dana after taking the latte. Finn reappears, Isn't she dead," he asks. "Yep," the twins say in unison. "Lizzie-Bear, relax. There's only so much a doctor can raise your dosage before my mom's pharmacy will plumb run out of pills," Dana teases. "Come on," she says to Josie's replica. Yeah, Lucifer is definitely not here, because Dana would lose her head for that comment," Josie and Lizzie say in unison.

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