Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself part 2

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In Mikayla and Alyssa's dorm, the latter witch sits on the ground with her eyes closed. "You're afraid. No. You're absolutely terrified," she says. "No crap. I didn't need your stupid bowling ball to tell me that, okay?" Lizzie says interrupting Alyssa's trance. "Josie is basically Darth Vader..." the blonde continues. "Would you please shut up?
I need to concentrate," Alyssa snaps. "Thanks in advance," she adds sarcastically. "You're not scared of Josie hurting you. You're scared of hurting her," Alyssa says as she lets her eyes close again. "I've done so much to hurt her already. I just don't want to make the same mistake again,' Lizzie whispers with her eyes closed. "You can open your eyes now, 'cause you don't have to worry about that," Alyssa says. "Really? Ivy's plan is gonna work?" Lizzie asks. "I don't need a crystal ball to know that gonna tear you apart. The Merge is a battle of wills. The simple fact that you're afraid of winning and losing...makes you a dead duck," Alyssa taunts. "Are you seriously telling me that I'm going to die because I became a better person?" Lizzie asks. "Ironic, isn't it?" Alyssa taunts. "Well, in that case, screw personal growth, okay? I am going back to looking out for number one. To being selfish. To hell with the Merge," Lizzie exclaims standing up. "That's the spirit.
Live long and prosper, kid," Alyssa says. "She won't," Josie says from the doorway. "And neither will you," the girl adds as she snaps Alyssa's neck. Lizzie watches as the other witch falls to the ground and then looks up at her sister.
"Hmm. Was that drastic enough for you?" Josie asks. Lizzie shudders, " killed her," Lizzie whispers. "And if you don't show up tonight, l'll start killing your actual friends,
Josie taunts as she begins to leave. "And let's not forget red oak I found," Josie adds, making a lightly veiled threat against Lucifer.

Lizzie and Lucifer look at each other, "Is it so wrong," the blonde asks. Lucifer shakes his head, "Nope," Kai says.
"Were you worried," Josie asks. "The first time more than the second time," Kai says. "Because the first time was actually Jo," Ash asks. Kai nods, "It was easier when it was Luke because I was mad at the entire family," Kai says. "How can you guys be having this conversation when Alyssa just died," Caroline asks. "Uh, well the answer to that is quite simple," Kai begins. "I open my mouth and begin talking to pyscho and Lizzie," Kai says. As Kai taunted Caroline, Lucifer and Lizzie turned to Josie, "Red oak," the Mikaelson heretic asks. "Shut up," Josie demands.

Hope and ivy and mikayla and molly enter the dorm with Lucifer and Ash hot on their tails.
They appraise the situation and Lucifer goes over to Lizzie.
The couple seem to have a conversation with their eyes, before any of the Mikaelson teenagers can truly react, Jed walks in. "Hey, Alyssa," he says before seeing her body. The werewolf kneels down next to her and does not need any explanation of what happened. "You're gonna stop her, right?" he asks. "That's what you do, isn't it? Take out monsters?" he adds. "The way I see it, the monster has already been taken out," mikayla says. Jed growls as he turns to the tribrid and she smirks. "You really do not want to fight me," she says. Lucifer grabs Lizzie and uses his vampire speed to disappear. The door stayed open after Lucifer and Lizzie's quick departure, after less than five minutes MG came into the room. "Lucifer and Lizzie just left Mystic Falls going at least a hundred," he says. Hope and Ash and Mikayla and Molly and ivy exchange a look understanding that both their cousin and BestFriend and Lizzie were nervous about the situation. "Is she..?" MG asks as he sees Alyssa's body. "I knew Josie was dangerous... just didn't think that she was capable of something like this," Ash says. "It's my fault. If I could've just gotten through to her...
MG says. "You can't get through to a monster," Jed says.
Ash's eyes glow gold without his permission. "We are not giving up on Josie. The only way to protect the school is to bring her back," Mikayla says stepping in between her cousin and the angered werewolf. "Tell that to Alyssa, Ash," Jed says. "If we give up now, she'll have died for nothing. So we have to stick to the plan," Ash adds. All of girls and ash turn to MG,
"And you need to bring Lizzie and Lucifer back," they say MG steps back, knowing that Lucifer was on edge. "They need you, MG. We all do," Ash  says. MG sighs and leaves the room with a nod, Molly looks at Henrik and makes her eyes wider and he nods as well. The Mikaelson uncle disappearing to find his wayward nephew.

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