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I waited until about noon for her at the coffee shop, then I stood behind her. My heart had never raced so much before. I didn't know the best time to show her I was here, so I interrupted her as she was ordering, the shock and horror on her face fucking broke me.

She waited and had questions, I didn't know how keep her here I knew the truth would kill her. So after she called her mom I told her everything.

She died, the truth shattered her. She hated me.

The next few months she stayed and slowly opened up, I never pushed it. However she ended up killing Tyler. After that she left. And didn't tell anyone about me.

For years after she I couldn't stop thinking about her. I never got out what I needed to say. I was dying without her.

So I tracked her down, and very late one night I knocked on her door. I couldn't live without her, I knew every achievement. I was so unbelievably proud of her. I couldn't stop thinking about her, i couldn't breath when she wasn't here. I felt like a piece of me was missing all the time.

I found her house, and really let I shower up, and knocked. I was sweating so bad, or maybe it was the rain. I waited, and I felt the most terrified I had ever felt.

I knew she was the love of my life, I just needed to see her one more time and then I could leave and if she never wanted to see me again I would honor that because I love her.

When she opened the door the shock on her face. She didn't see anything for a few seconds and just stared at me. Shocked that I found her.

"Do you wanna come in?"

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