'bout you

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This story was originally supposed to be a oneshot from my oneshot series but I got so invested with thoughts that it turned into a story itself. (just some alternate au with a/b/o) I think this version is way cooler (totally...)


The Ascenders backstory is unfortunately kind of vague, mostly from an orphanage. You could say they were the sold children like the Seven Deadly Alliance backstory of SEV1N7een.

Ataraxia's backstory was pretty... bad in circumstances
per se. I think this was a good explanation about their powers and how Jihoon's and Junhui's second gender transformations had occurred. And I needed a reason why they're insane and crazy with their kills yknow ;)

Wow the super-alpha concept saved me for the excuse of making them powerful lmao.

Heads up!

   I'll probably be posting random side stories in my Kpop oneshot series for this story. I currently have two planned so far. (Hint: One is Junhao finally having some good time (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) and another will possibly be Ataraxias when they were all in love with each other :))

Meaning Behind Gang Names...

The Ascenders simply means they're rising to power :p

Ataraxia means a state of calmness directing to how they regained a sense of humanity after they were saved from the lab. But never the recovery of trauma and side effects of experiments.

Masquerade is the concept that I liked because of the unknown sides behind the mask. Beautiful and purring with answers on the outside, but when the mask is removed, shows the darkness of the truth. Or smth like that lol

Iron clad was just something like bulletproof LMAO

Ennéa Astéria (εννέα αστέρια) just means nine stars but in Greek. It sounds pretty and cool.


I tried my best to make things sense especially the powers and plot twists (┳Д┳). There was a lot of research for catatonia and random gibberish of science that left me traumatized from last year summer school. (Don't pay $500 to get rid of a class for the next year. It's not worth running on three hours of sleep per day when you also have practice during summer. Plus the one hour interval of lunch after school but you can't eat too much or you'll throw up at practice. I could rant on if I wanted lol)

"These scents... not a lot of people themselves have one single scent. Normal humans would have at least two or more mixed scents which makes everyone unique. But in the mafia industry, we all have on single scent— ruined from abuse and corruption such as going insane, killing, or rapping." The American nods, aware of this knowledge.

^Ya'll I made that shit up on the spot cuz I tried making it seem like everyone in the world has one single scent if they're corrupted. If not, they have combo scents which makes them all unique and different cuz I'm running out of ideas for scents 😭^

The serums? Whatever shit I was on to thinking how they work is crazy.
-Omega serums turn anyone into an omega but since it's not fully finalized there's lingering super alpha genes. The serum kills the secondary gender but the victim in a painful away.
-Alpha serums turn anyone into alphas, but alphas themselves wouldn't handle the powers, it deteriorates their life if they don't receive the antidote within 18 hours.
-For Insu's case he went through electric shock torture to tame the alpha in him.

Hair :p (just my interpretation)
Seungcheol- black (thanks era)
Jeonghan- blonde (hit era)
Joshua- black (thanks era SO MAJESTIC)
Junhui- oreo (that's the best decision a hair stylist has ever done. Godly decision.)
Soonyoung- white/ silver (yo like from Spider)
Wonwoo- black (rock with you era)
Jihoon- black (thanks era)
Seokmin- brown (heng:garae era)
Mingyu- black (clap era)
Minghao- black mullet (call call call era)
Seungkwan- light brown (fallin flower era)
Hansol- brown (clap era)
Chan-blonde (yo super era)

Help I forget the formatting is weird when writing and previewing the story


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Plot Twists...

Um yeah it took me a good week or so to solidify my plot twist plans. Glad it works in the best way I can plan it out. At first I was going to leave Seokmin dead, but I'm not letting Joshua be sad forever and living with the guilt! (Btw I was laughing and cringing so hard that I can't come up with undercover names. i.e. Jun, Jisoo, and Seokmin's twin brother's name- Dokyeom)

Extension to chapters and plots (07.04.2023)

   Ya'll I get so much ideas and I felt it was too short for around thirteen actual chapters. I need MORE content lmao. I need more plot and drama and everything.

The Ennéa Astéria (εννέα αστέρια)

Google translate: nine stars
Literally. I just a have an obsession with Greek because it's so beautiful. And it sounds better than nine stars.

Guys how did this become somewhat Junhui-centric 💀

I was trying to find ways to not conflict my past self for writing these chapters. I'm too lazy to change it and honestly, in Good To Me, where Jeonghan mentions about the Ataraxias loving each other romantically, I felt obligated because the way I wrote all of them really seemed like they were loving Junhui so much. But they were holding back to never return the past feelings. (If that makes sense) But it is kind of obvious that Junhui did bring everyone together, so props for his suffering to be fruitful in a good way.

Author-Nim's last words...

I hate summer school. Love Seventeen as always. Single like Chan. (I used Chan in the last part of Healing as my alter ego perspective of love! I think people shouldn't worry too much about relationships like it's a priority to have in life. Take your time, look for yourself, and love when you're ready to also get hurt because a relationship is never perfect!)

   By the way, if you're mathing the years and shit about relationships and deaths... I am not mathing it up and throwing random numbers of time periods 🫡

Next story???

Mmm maybe a short RenNoMin one, a classic romance conflict story?


ENHYPEN vampire au. Ngl I had that idea for like three years way before the seven deadly alliance was even in progress. ITS BEEN SITTING AS A DRAFT SINCE 12.20.2020!!!!

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