"I hate it. I hate it so damn much," he whispered, closing the distance between you and pinning you against the wall. "I've been a mess since you left, sweetheart. Seeing you having the time of your life makes me so damn angry. Am I that easy to forget?"

"Jake, I—"

"Return to me," he implored, his voice wavering, as tears welled in his eyes. "Return to me, and I solemnly vow to treat you as you deserve. I shall bend to your every wish, just, please... I love you." His voice cracked, tears cascading down his cheeks.

Never in your wildest dreams had you envisioned him so vulnerable, nor anticipated the sincere utterance of those three powerful words.

A nostalgic smile caressed your lips, holding Jake's gaze captive. Intoxicated by the spirits coursing through his veins, he teetered on the precipice of consciousness, his grasp on reality faltering.

But your smile seemed to amplify the tempest within him. His words rang true—he yearned for you with an intensity that defied the constraints of time.

"Return to me, I beg you," he implored, his forehead resting gently against yours.

"I am sorry, Jake," you uttered softly, cupping his tear-stained face in your hands. "Thank you for your honesty, but it is too late. I have moved on, and I implore you to do the same."

He vehemently shook his head, tears tracing rivulets down his cheeks. He was prepared to undertake anything for you, save relinquishing your presence.

"I will be better. Please, I will be better! I shall strive ceaselessly to secure your affections, my love. I cannot..."

"Then endeavor to be better with someone else, for it shall not be me, Jake. I hope you understand" you interjected, tenderly wiping away his tears. "Our bond became too toxic, and it can not mend."

"I am sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible, yet your ears captured each syllable. "I am sorry."

"Jake! You stupid!" a familiar voice thundered, and your gaze shifted to the left. jay hastened towards you, his steps faltering as he beheld you ensnared in Jake's arms.

"Y/N," he murmured, seemingly dazed.

"Hello, Jay," you greeted with a touch of awkwardness, Jake's gaze still ensnared by your countenance. The influence of alcohol coursed through him, threatening to plunge him into oblivion. Or perhaps he had yet to fully fathom the magnitude of your words.

"Enough of this." Jay spoke, stepping up behind jake and seizing him by the collar. He turned to you, still restraining Jake. "I apologize for his behavior. He struggles to contend with the aftermath... you know, the dissolution of your relationship."

A sad smile graced your lips. "Ah, I see." What other words could be spoken in this moment?

"Y/N! Join us over here!" one of your friends caught sight of you and beckoned you to their table.

"That is my cue," you smiled.

"Yes," jay nodded.

"jay, you are here!" Jake snapped out of his stupor and enveloped his brother in a freind embrace, startling both of you.

"You know what? Y/N was here! I professed my love to her, but she disbelieved me! make her believe! Maybe then she will trust you! Help me, brother! I cannot bear to lose her!" Jake pleaded.

Your chest tightened at the sight and his words. How you yearned for him to express such sentiments in the past, but now the moment had passed.

"Cease this, Jake," jay whispered, his heart aching for his jay. He had borne witness to Jake's fractured state in recent months, knowing it to be of his own doing. He cast you an apologetic gaze. "I apologize for this entire ordeal. Take care, Y/N."

"Take care, too, jay," you smiled. "Take care of him, as well."

"I shall," he affirmed, guiding Jake back to their table.

"It stings, jay," Jake whimpered as they retreated.

"Imagine the agony she endured, you scoundrel," jay sighed. "She truly was extraordinary, was she not?"

Jake hummed in agreement. "Indeed, she was. And still is."

"Look, she is gone, Jake. You must move forward and cease tormenting the poor girl. You have inflicted enough pain upon her," Jay admonished before being unceremoniously deposited onto the cushions.

"One does not appreciate what they possess until it vanishes," the adage reverberated in Jake's ears as the music within the club crescendoed. It taunted him to his core. For months, he had sought solace in spirits, endeavoring to purge your existence from his being. Yet, wherever he cast his gaze, there you were.

In his sanctuary, tucking him into bed. In his culinary realm, embarking on culinary odysseys. In his sanctum of leisure, swaying to melodies unfamiliar. In the stands, exulting in his triumphs. Even during his morning jogs, proffering him hydration with a tender gesture.

You had cared for him in the most profound manner, and now he realized the profound interlaying of your lives. How had he been so blind? The distractions that once held his attention were transient, merely fleeting vessels of momentary gratification. But you... you were his essence, his love. How could he have allowed something so profound to slip through his fingers?

Inebriated and spellbound by your presence, he watched from afar. Although he may have been in proximity, he knew he could never get to reclaim you.

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