roommate confession

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When you confess to your cold roommate by @inkkoya.

Netflix was your only escape from the world. The marathon of movies you tried this Night was wholesome. And still you couldn't escape the world.

Your thoughts were claimed by Jay. You didn't know his whereabouts, he is usually home when the clock hits eight pm- but tonight didn't seem like it.

He was the roommate who you tried to ignore since day one, trying to stop yourself from having feelings for him, from gawing at him whenever he wears something casual that shaped his body.

But you couldn't.

He was what your heart desired.

Your memories were still fresh when you confessed to him the last morning. The night before was a sleepless night and the moment you heard him wake up the next morning you confessed to him your feelings towards him.

Is that why he still didn't come home? Did I make him run away?

You couldn't help but ask as the questions clouded your mind before you the darkness consumed you fully letting sleep claim you completely.

Jay walked in your shared apartment, his mind was still dazed with your confession that morning. The moment you said I like you jay- he didn't know what to do. You just threw a bomb on him.

You made his heart race and adrenaline cloud his veins.

He had eyes on you two. He enjoyed living with you as he watched every little movement you do. Evey expression you make when you feel happy or sad- he loves the way your eyes close shut when you smile and the way your eyebrows take a straight line when you are focused on something.

Sometimes he just thinks that he was addicted to your presence.

"you look so tired." You spoke reaching to touch under his eyes, he closed momentarily at your touch.

"I will be fine." His eyes remained closed.

He pushed my hand away, "stop mothering
me." he sighed, opening his eyes about moving.

You grabbed his hand to show you didn't want him to move.

"I will when you stop acting like a child!" You frowned.

"I am no child!"

"Lie with me." You said before realizing how that could have been taken the wrong way, he gave you a quizzical look but smirked.

You purse your lips out in annoyance, "I didn't mean in that way and you know it!" he turned his back to you and laid down placing his head across your lap.

You were shocked. It was the first time you were both this close to each other and he was the one making the first move.

Without even thinking you began to curl your fingers into his hair, you started to pull your hand away again as you blushed.

"No." Jay mumbled relaxed. It shocked him hat he didn't mind you  playing with his hair idly but you kept going anyway.

"I'm sorry if what I said to you this morning shocked shocked you- it's okay if you don't l-"

"I like you too y/n. Now can we please sleep." He interrupted you making the warmth of his body claim yours. He likes you too.

The realization hits you like a waterfall.

Your eyelids drifted apart slowly and sleepily
before you forced them open for the last time,

A peaceful sigh as you nuzzle closer to his body; the warmth his body is emitting makes you feel safe and protected in his arms.

Your breathing eventually evens and you fall into a deep sleep.

He glanced up at the beauty as she shifted slightly.

The smell of strawberries hits him and a small grin appears on his face. He loves the smell of your body wash and shampoo.

You let out a soft snore making him chuckle.

It was only a moment later that your back gently fell onto the mattress and Jay was running his fingers through your hair before leaning down to plant a lingering kiss on your forehead.

You opened your eyes once more, watching as he walked over to the closet in search of some more comfortable clothes.

He bit his bottom lip into his smile, watching as you slept, memorizing the timing of each breath you took and knowing when you’d take another.

Slowly, he lowered himself into bed, trying his hardest not to make too much noise or shake the bed.

He looked over at you who hadn’t moved an inch, he looked at your bare face but his sight was disturbed with the hair falling out on your face.

"Would you be mine?" Jay whispered down at you making a slow smile paint your lips.

"I'm yours."

He smiled, softly kissing your forehead, and listening to his recording of the calm story as pressed his cheek against the top of your head.

Before he too slowly began to fall asleep.

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