asking for a kiss during a game

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When you ask for a kiss after he lost a game


The day was one of your favorites: neither you nor Jay had anything to attend to, and you had planned to keep it that way this day- just enjoying your precious time.

That way you could spend the whole day together and just relax while doing things you probably wouldn’t be able to on a more busy day.

The living room was blaring with constant sounds of fire arms and bombs going on every five seconds.

And not once had it been peaceful ever since your boyfriend had returned home to your shared apartment.

His hobby of playing video games was bearable for you until he decided to hook up the new game he bought a week ago.

He had argued that the both of you could take advantage of it - you being a movie fanatic and him a video game addict.

You would have agreed with the idea if it weren't for him hogging the entire entertainment system for the past few days now.

Instead, you end up using his computer game setup.

you and Jay were competing against each other; like a mini gaming tournament, if you’d like to call it that!


Y/N” appeared on the TV screen. “I won.”

Jay huffed with a pout and put his controller down to rub his eyes. A small yawn left his lips; somehow he was a bit tired despite barely having done anything the whole day.

"Sorry Jay, looks like you lost.” you laughed out at him.

"Now for the dare." You said making him frown at you- he didn't know what the heck you were talking about but he was sure you were playing on doing something.

"What dare y/n."

"You know I win- and that means you will get to do something for me."

"But we didn't fucking said anything before the games started?" Jay cursed under his breath when imagined the dare that you will give him- he did trust you not in this.

You were a little-known snake when it comes to games.

"Don't you dare do something stu-" Jay was trying to say before you interrupted him looking at him with your doe eyes.

"Kiss me."

Jay was speechless.

He just looked at you as if you were not the same person he knows and perfectly knew.

"Kiss me."

"Are you planning something?" Jay asked again- still amazed awfully by your demand.

"I'm just asking for a kiss. Why are you like this- you know what just forget it-" you said hurriedly as if the air was running away from your lungs.

But jay stopped you when he pulled you down into him making sure your nose was bruyoud against his. "How much do you want?"

And then- you didn't know how your fingers locked together similar to puzzle pieces. As Jay drew closer you felt your heart beat so hard you feared he'll hear it.

A small lock of your hair tumbled in front of your face, resting just in front of your cheek, but with one swift slide of his thumb, it was bruyoud out of the way.

"What do you m-mean?"

"How many kisses do you want?"

"Just two?" You asked as it was a question.

He pecked your lips two times before he added the tirth on your forehead making you speechless for the n time this day.

As the soft skin of his mouth left the side of your face, the exact spot where they had come into contact burned and tingled. A hot blazing fire pulsed through you.

Her cheeks painted themselves rose red.

“What am I going to do with you, huh?” he crouches down beside your table, and leaves a lingering kiss on your cheek.

This makes you shift slightly, your eyes flutter gently before finally opening. “You okay?” he questions, nodding before smiling.

"I wasn’t expecting video games to turn into this,” Jay said smiling at you before adding- “Not that I would be complaining.”

You smiled at his words.

“Oh, you better not complain.”

he comments. you know he’s hiding a smile, and though you’d usually be annoyed by something like this, you favour throwing your arms around his neck to hug him.

"Cuddle me?”


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