6- Stress

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Wattpad @inkenhypen <3

It was midnight when the speck of light from your desk lamp was the only thing breaking the darkness of the room around you.

Your online uni classes had started only a few days ago and already you were flooded with work from every course.

You pressed your fingers to your temples as you tried to get a few more pages of work in for the day before going to sleep.

You squinted your eyes to try to stop the burning that had set in almost half an hour ago.

You heard a grumble from Jay, who had been in your now shared bedroom for over an hour watching Netflix.

He'd moved in with you for the lockdown so the two of you wouldn't be apart for the whole time.

You barely noticed the click of the door opening behind you, and when you felt warm hands lay on your shoulders, you jumped in your seat, squeezing your eyes shut.

"You scared me," you whined, covering your face with your hands.

Your system was overloaded- your head hurt and your senses freaked out at the slightest outside stimulation.

he leaned down and kissed your cheek, "I'm sorry y/n" then he kissed your shoulder, "Don't you think it's time to stop for the day? You've barely taken a break since you started this morning."

"I'm still not finished with these questions," was your deadpanned answer.

You tried to shut him out and focus on the work again, however, your brain rejected all of the information on the pages in front of you.

"Please, just come to bed? We can cuddle and watch some movies,

" you felt his arms wrap around you, trapping yours to your sides as he spoke into your ear temptingly.

You huffed audibly, leaning your head back against his bare chest.

You felt the cold sensation of his chains against your scalp. While placing your hands on his forearms you said,

"Only if you carry me."

You should have known better than to joke with him about it, as before you knew it.

your chair was being turned to the side and his arms were wrapping themselves around your torso and pulling you up to his chest.

You laughed before wrapping your legs around his waist and tucking your head into the crook of his neck.

"I actually just realized how tired I am," you mumbled into his neck and you felt his chest move as he laughed, pressing the side of his face against your cheek to comfort you.

He leaned over and turned off your desk lamp, the room now completely dark.

He managed to maneuver the two of you through the dark living room into the bedroom without stumbling or tripping over the clutter scattered around the flat.

Your room was dim, the tv screen being the only thing providing light.

He set you down on the messy bed and got your favorite shirt of his to sleep in and your pajama pants.

A few moments later, you were both settled in under the covers as well you turned your head to look at him,

"Can you choose something to watch? I'm too sleepy to make a decision."

He smiled at you and took the remote from its place between your tired hands.

You quickly drank your tea, it was still hot but you didn't mind the heat.

Once you were done and Jay still hadn't found something to watch, you scooted closer to him and draped your left arm across his chest.

He moved so that his arm went under your neck and his hand wound itself over your hip.

"Babe," you said, turning your head up to look at him, "I think I should just go to sleep."

"You sure?" he asked, though he looked tired himself.

You held back a yawn, "Yeah, I'm super tired. You can stay up though, you won't bother me."

He didn't answer, he simply turned off the tv and shifted to lie down next to you, still in the same position as before.

You noticed his breathing even out before you could fall asleep yourself and you smiled.

You listened to the sounds of the city outside the window and felt his warm torso against you as you finally closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You woke up to soft kisses being sprinkled on your cheeks and neck. You inhaled deeply and opened your eyes.

You were faced with Jay's tanned shoulder and the feeling of his lips moving to your collarbone.

"Good morning," his voice was husky and you almost giggled like a schoolgirl at the sound of it in your ear.

You kissed his cheek and then his lips, "Morning."

He smiled at you and kissed you again, his kisses were lazy and you could tell he was still sleepy.

you felt fleeting kisses on your bare shoulder. His lips were warm, contrasting with the temperature of your shoulder, which had been exposed to the morning air for quite some time now.

His lips left your skin in prickles- the kind that spread straight to your heart and caused it to swell.

"You're perfect," he whispered into the base of your neck.

His voice was so scratchy from sleep and so full of love that it made your skin prickle even more.

You felt you might disintegrate in his arms.

"Are you trying to melt me?" you said, groggily. Your first real words of the day and they caused Jay to let out a chuckle.

You turned around in his arms to look at his face. It was illuminated by the soft sunlight gliding through the window.

His eyes seemed to be a million different colors when the sun cast its rays through them.

"Wait why are you awake so early?"

"Your alarm woke me up," he said, he was practically on top of you now, arms on either side of your head, supporting him.

"Really? I didn't hear it," you said absent-mindedly, eyes flitting around his face.

They paused at the beauty spot near his eye.

"I know, babe, that's why I woke you up," he leaned down and pressed a little kiss to the tip of your nose.

"Oh, of course, sorry," you shook your head and he chuckled slightly at you.

"Thank you, though. It was sweet of you to wake me up like that," you felt your cheeks heating up just from thinking about it.

"Anything for you," he kissed you for the millionth time that morning and slowly tried to pry his body away from yours.

"Where are you going?" you whined, trying to pull him back to you.

"I have to make us breakfast," he leaned back and kissed your forehead, "and you have online classes to get ready for."

You groaned, "Don't remind me."

"Don't worry," he said, finally getting up, "I'll come and get you every so often to take a break."

You smiled at him and you swore you felt your heartthrob harder than usual when he smiled back, "Thank you."

<3 my wattpad account is @inkenhypen

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