Daddy issues

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You cursed under your breath when you woke up under crimson sheets.

You just had your period and Jake's sheets now were filled with blood. 

You started to panic feeling your lungs closed shut and tears start to roll out of you eyes.

Trying to rush and take off the sheets so you can wash them off, Jake heard you moving around the room from his recording room.

"Love- why are you crying?" He asked the moment he entered the bedroom.

"I'm not." You said while trying to hide the sheets behind your back. 

"Why are you hiding the sheets behind you?" 

Jake voiced out while coming over you and taking the sheets from your hand.

"You got your periods- is that why are you crying- are you in pain?" He asked with worry and sadness filling his voice.

Brushing his fingers on your face, you said-"I'm not in pain.its just I thought that you would be angry if you found your sheets with blood on them." 

Jake looked at you like you were the craziest person on earth. You did have daddy issues.

"Give me the sheets." He said while he waited for you to give it to him. 

"I'm going to wash them- go rest." He smiled at you before kissing your head and told you to go to the bed after he put a clean new sheet.


Under the warmth of your boyfriend- you started to bubble out about your father and your issues with him.

 “since I was a little- I don't remember that I had a single conversation with him- all that I remember is him coming back from work to eat and sleep.”

You felt a little movement but the movement was Sunghoon pulling you closer to his chest, 

“What a foolish man- he didn't know what he missed." 

This man would know you have daddy issues before he even got into a relationship with you

Sunghoon with his nature-Your behavior and antics would be a piece of cake to figure out for him.

But nonetheless, he doesn’t mention a word to you. If you want to tell him, he’ll wait for you and give you the time to adjust.


You wanted to run- away from every reminder of him.

You had never told Heeseung why you never talked about your father to him, and you didn't really want to, but when you were at dinner with his parents they asked you the most dreaded questions about him. 

Heeseung’s dad had been keeping the conversation going, but he hid behind a wall by asking, “So what about your parent’s y/n?” 

"My dad is a long dead."

Looking up at heesung- his eyes were filled with anguish and pain- you hurted him by not telling him.

"your father is dead? you never told me?” 

"He is- I don't like to talk about him." You said with tears filling your eyes- you just want to ignore the fact that you grew up with out a father figure in your life.

But people could not do better- keeping reminding you with him.

You wished to see him just one time- one more time, but you will never be able to. 


“I hate him,” you whispered. 

Jay looked at you with worry- you were just describing your feelings towards your father- “But I love him.”

“I know.” Jay soothed, nodding to convey his understanding. “There isn’t anything you can do?” 

The question had already been answered, too many times now for Jay to answer. But when he found you like this and held you, the words just seemed to slip from his lips.

“He won’t listen, and I don't know what to do with him every time.” you breathed, your vision blurry.

So he held you, let you sob out every terrible memory you held with your father.

Jay didn’t say anything, knowing how you liked it when it was quiet and you could just feel his presence under the warmth of his arms.

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