"Excellent. Micah, I will leave you here and we will meet again in the morning. Good night, everyone." With that, he turned and left. When the door closed, we turned to Micah. He studied us and his gaze shifted to Monica. Blake growled, softly. Micah turned to him and chuckled. "Easy there, boy. Am not going to harm her."

"How do you know them?" Ian asked him. To his credit, Micah glanced at Monica and a minute passed as they talked with their eyes. Finally, he started to talk. "We know each other since we were kids. That's why."

"And why do they watch you like they want to kill you?" Hunter asked. Micah signed and threaded his hand through his hair. "For many reasons. They don't like the people I hung out with. They don't like my family and they don't trust me." Tristan snorted. "Yeah, that's why." he mocked.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed early. Micah, I will see you around. Good night, guys." Monica said and headed to her room. Once, her door clicked shut we turned to Micah. He smiled at us. "Let's get along, my new roommates."


The following morning, I walked into the kitchen, and I found Micah talking with Blake and Noah. "Morning," I spoke. "Morning," they responded. I sat beside Micah and took the cereal. I poured some into my bowl and started to eat. "Did you sleep well?" I asked him. He swallowed his bite and said "Fine. The bed was very comfortable and I'm living in a room alone, so I have my privacy." I nodded. After a few minutes of silence, he added "So what do you think of Monica?"

I stopped and looked at him. "I like her." Blake started to cough, and Noah's eyes widen, except for Micah who laughed. "Straightforward. I like you already." I chuckled. Luke, Tristan, and Ian walked in and exchanged hellos with Micah before sitting. "Can I ask you a question?" Ian said to Micah. He nodded.

"Why the guys looked at you yesterday like that? The real reason." Tristan cursed and Luke silenced him. Micah stayed quiet for a moment looking at them and finally said "We know each other since we were kids. We used to play and practice together along with my older brother. They hated him since we introduced ourselves. Well, my brother is... a bad guy."

"He's a monster," Noah announced from his seat while Hunter and Logan emerged inside. "Noah," Logan warned and Noah returned to his food. Micah shrugged. "The boy is right don't chastise him." Fangs dropped from Noah's mouth and his eyes became red. "Call me a boy again-" A slap came to his neck and he jumped. Monica stood behind him staring with a cold gaze. The room fell quiet and became colder than before.

"Calm down." She ordered him and he took a small breath. His eyes turned brown again and the fangs returned. She removed her hand and walked to the fridge. "Why do I feel this will be a bad day?" she quietly asked more herself than us.

"That's because you are being chased by a bad fate," Logan said. She took an apple and closed the door of the fridge. She opened her mouth and her teeth bit hard on the apple. "I'm going to Mr. Aaron. He needs some help so I can't run today. I will see you at lunch." She finally smiled and blew us a kiss as she walked out.

Chased by Life and Deathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें