Wooyoung stared at the door with wide eyes as he sat down on the floor, barely able to catch his breath.

"I-I-I..." he stuttered, trying his best to breathe normally.

San immediately ran to his side, slightly scared to touch him. "It's okay, you're okay...they're gone, they can't hurt you."

Wooyoung turned to look at him with wide tear filled eyes, shaking his head. "H-Hug m-me...P-Please...hug..."

San wrapped his arms tightly around the other, pulling him against his chest. "Everything will be okay..." he whispered. "I'm sorry you had to go through this....fuck, it's all my fault..."

He heard Wooyoung sob against his chest, glad he could finally let it out.

"It's okay..." San placed his hand on the back of Wooyoung's head, taking a deep breath. "It's over...you'll go home soon."

Wooyoung whimpered in San's arms, tightly clinging to his shirt. "Don't leave me alone here...please...please, I'm scared..."

"I'm not leaving...just relax." San helped him get up and lay in bed. "I'll be right outside okay? Don't be scared."

Wooyoung shook his head frantically. "Don't leave me alone!"

"Okay okay... I'm here..." San grabbed his walkie talkie. "Yunho, status?"

"I'm on my way, sir."

"Don't come here, you hear me?!"

"I can't go anywhere, if she's tracking me, I can't go anywhere!"

"Keep stalling until it's time to meet her, go get flowers or whatever...No matter what, do not come here."

Yunho sighed. "Yes, sir."

Wooyoung kept his eyes shut, and his hands covering his ears, trying to distract himself form the current situation.

"Hey...you hear me?" San gently stroked his hair, his heart aching at the sight at this poor boy that got dragged into this for absolutely no reason.. "Everything will be okay...I promise."

It was blurry and unclear, but Wooyoung imagined his boyfriend comforting him, stroking his hair and assuring him instead of this man, it was comforting for him to just imagine to be home, to be safe and comfortable.

He kept imagining until he fell asleep, mentally exhausted.

San let out a sigh, slowly getting up and leaving, he couldn't see him like this for any longer..


"Can you imagine what would've happened if Yunho was here?" Jongho shook his head at the thought. "That would have been the end of all of us."

"But why did she suspect us specifically?" Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yunho has our chant tattooed on his side." San walked in, throwing his mask on the table. "She must have seen it last night." 

"Oh fuck..."

"He does?" Yeosang questioned. "I thought he hated it here."

San pulled a chair and sat down. "It was my fault, I didn't think of that...and it slipped through his mind."

"And how does she know our chant?" Mingi raised an eyebrow.

"Sunmi and I worked together before...so we know a lot about each other's teams."

" 'worked together' as in..?"

"As in worked together, stop trying to make it seem like I fucked her, Jongho."

"Alright, chill..."

"What happened then?" Yeosang crossed his arms over his chest.

"We had a disagreement...that turned into a big fight, I lost a man, she lost a couple...then we made a truce, to just stay away from each other, and if one of us tries to kill the other...according to the rules, their men would have to turn them in, and it would be over for the whole gang."

"You had other members before us?"

"Of course I did."

"Wait, what the fuck did you just say?!" Mingi stood up. "Why are you trying to kill her then?!"

San shrugged his shoulders. "You guys wouldn't turn me in, right? And Yunho is undercover, so it's not really me. Plus, I don't care, this time it isn't about us, there are children involved."

"I have a feeling we're doomed." Yeosang huffed.

"Enough arguing." San stood up. "Tomorrow morning, you take that boy upstairs to his home, you hear me?"

A/N: hope our boy finally gets some fresh air

Also here's your woosan 🫢

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