“How have you been?” he asked, breaking the silence.

   Danialla shrugged and looked slightly up. “Holding up.” It came at almost a whisper.

   After that it was silent. It was just the echoes of their footsteps until they reached outside. The chilly spring air hit Danialla, reminding her that she forgot a cloak to keep her warm. She instantly shivered and wrapped her arms around herself.

   “I hate that my birthday is in two weeks. It’s always still. It's too cold to play outside but too warm to have snow.” Edmund lightly chuckled. He knew that April was the worst time of year for rain. The girl grumbled as she went over to a bench and sat down. Edmund followed but kept a good distance from the girl when he sat down himself.

   “You've been quiet, did my good looks make you flustered?” he teased, lighting up the tension.

   Danialla scoffed. “You wish, Pevensie. I’m just not talkative today.”

   “And when you say today, you mean the past three months?”

   Danialla didn’t answer. She looked down and started playing with her fingers. She hadn’t realized that he noticed. “It’s hard. I just feel like everyone I love and care about the most, bad things happen to them. Almost as if I’m bad luck.”

   Edmund glanced at her, he never realized that the girl would think those things. She was always so happy and energetic. Always positive and outspoken. The girl now was the opposite. She was always gloomy, sad, negative, and quiet. It made Edmund question how he and his siblings never picked up on it. He then thought of the logical reason. She acted and they were all too busy to see through.

“Why didn’t you ever tell anyone, Bridge?” he asked.

“Everyone seemed to be too busy to not care. So I acted and it worked.” she let out a muffled cry. “I just miss them. I miss dad, Derek, and mum.

Edmund sighed sadly. “We would’ve listened, we will listen.”

Edmund didn’t think that the girl’s response would cause the girl to tear up. He heard her muffle. His eyes landed on her and she sadly smiled.

“Sorry, I just haven’t felt like someone’s cared for me since mum died.” she sobbed quietly. Edmund didn’t know what to do after that except to sit there as Danialla calmed down. As she sat there, still her face red from crying, she looked at Edmund.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this.” she pleaded.

Edmund looked at her, unsure because he knew his siblings and her sister-in-law needed to know. “Bridge, at least naurvera should know.”

“No!” she spoke instantly. “I don’t want her or anyone else to know. Even Aslan himself.”

Edmund grew quiet as the girl stood up. “I apologize, but I need to get back to work.” she started to walk back towards the castle before Edmund called her.

“Bridge,” she stopped and looked at him, “Don’t hold back. You tell or or I will,” the girl went to speak, “I’ll give you three days.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” she asked.

“Cause, I know how this feels,” he replied, standing up. He walked past her, his long locks of hair gently hitting his skin. Danialla stood there thinking. She didn’t know what he meant. The events after the White Witch, him paralyzed and seeing one of her friends die in front of him? She wasn’t sure.

Suddenly a cold breeze hit the girl, sending shivers up her spine. She then walked back inside and to the sewing room.


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