7 hours...

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'"How did you find out?" Dilean gritted. We were in his office the next day, and I had decided to make my move.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is the deal I've placed in the table."

"You want my presentation in exchange for keeping quiet? That doesn't sound like a fair deal."

"All is fair in love and war brother."

"I thought we just didn't like each other and we were going to stay out of each other's way. Since when were we at war?"

"Since we were born. And only one of us can win."

"That's ridiculous, we are siblings. We don't have to be at war if we just stay out of each other's ways."

"Then how exactly am I supposed to achieve my goals Dilean?" I hissed. "If I start thinking about things like family and love, how am I supposed to get to where I want to be?"

"You think stepping on us will get you far?"

"No, not far. It will get me to my destination. I don't expect you to understand though. I mean, you had us do that stupid family portrait," I kissed my teeth at him. "It's okay, we need people like you. Without you, no one would be able to tell who the ambitious and courageous people are."

"If you're just going to keep insulting me, you can just leave Myra."

"Very well then. I'm sure Eli will want to know first. I'll be in his office if you need me." I stepped out and marched to Eli's office. I heard Dilean's footsteps behind me and smirked. He grabbed my hand as I was about to knock on Eli's door.

"Wait Myra," he said.

"Can I help you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Fine," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you."

Just then Eli showed up and Dilean began to fidget. "Myra please don't tell him, you know how Eli gets. He'll hurt her."

"You are the only one that can prevent that," I mumbled as Eli approached us with furrowed eyebrows.
We talked a bit. I can not really remember the words we exchanged but it got Dilean scared and he finally agreed to give me his presentation. He was willing to do anything for the love of his life who he technically stole from someone else. Good for him and good for me...'

"So you presented this material that he gave you?" Teagan interrupted. "As if it were yours? How did you pull that off?"

"I simply got Dilean to explain everything that he wrote and we practiced all the potential questions together. Questions that the board might ask about things that weren't explained in detail on the document."

"So you had it all figured out huh?" Zahara scoffed. "Did you feel even a little bit guilty when you got promoted. That promotion was supposed to be Dilean's. Not yours."

"Why would I feel guilty for doing what's best for me?" Myra scrunched her face. "I'm just looking out for myself so why should I feel guilty? When Dilean pursues Renata he was looking out for himself as well. Did he feel guilty?" She pursed her lips. "This is a selfish world, and in such a world, the selfish succeed."

Zahara huffed a laugh. "Well, it's a good thing that there are a few selfless people willing to stand up to the likes of you. If you think it's a selfish world then I can't convince you otherwise, but I do pity you. It's sad how you think everyone is like you. It's not a selfish world, that's just the way you view it. And how you view it is a reflection of yourself."


"Tell is how Ezra found out." Teagan stopped her from taking the conversation further off topic. "We don't have much time left."

Myra exhaled a strained breath, her hands turning red as she tightly clasped the together. "Alright," she gritted.

"Ezra found out on the day after I got promoted. I guess he was surprised bb why I was picked and not Dilean, or anyone else for that matter because they all look down on me. He asked one of the board members to give him a copy of my presentation and he read through it. After that he confronted me..."

'"Myra," he stepped into my new office.

"Don't you knock?" I glared at him.

He ignored me and took a seat. His eyes were narrowed as he analysed me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"What is it?" I asked, irritated.

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You stole Dilean's presentation."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because Dilean runs his presentations by me before finalising them. And that was an idea I personally gave him. So, I'll ask you again, why did you do it?"

"W-e thought of the same thing? What a coincidence. Why would you accuse me of stealing it? It's natural for people who share the same DNA to come up with similar ideas. That doesn't mean that I stole it." My hands were trembling as I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip in order to calm my pounding heart. I thought I had everything under control but Ezra had to butt in and ruin things for me.

"Fine," he huffed. "There is one question the board forgot to ask you. I'll ask you now. How did you come up with the idea?"

"It just came to me," I shrugged.

"You came up with a video game concept to promote a mining house? The idea just came to you? You who has never played video games in your life?"

I bit on my bottom lip, glaring at the papers on my desk. "Are you going to snitch?" I looked up at him.

"Tell me why you did it."

"You would too if you knew what I found out about him."

"No, I wouldn't."

"You're saying that because you don't know what it is." I shook my head. "Fine, I did it for selfish reasons, but also to teach him a lesson. I won't get to the details, but he should stay away from other people's wives."

"Their relationship isn't what you think." Ezra said and I pursed my lips.

Of course he knew.'

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