16 hours...

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'I knocked on his door a few times and I was about to leave when he came from behind me. His eyebrows were furrowed and his fists clenched.

"What do you want?" He asked as he opened the door and we both stepped in.

"Nice to see you too Ezra," I mumbled, taking a seat on his white three seater sofa.
He still had a few boxes all over the place, but his TV was now mounted on the wall.

"I know that this is not a social visit. What are you doing here Kaiya?" He was tense,  clenching and unclenching his fists as he ground his teeth.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine," he gritted. "What do you want?"

"Why are you pretending to be responsible for the espionage?"

"Because I am."

"Cut the crap, I know that it wasn't you. First of all, you're not that stupid and second of all I saw the text message Mr Leehyung received. That wasn't from you. My guess is, you were framed and it's either Seth, Eli or Inez."

He huffed, looking away from me and I knew I was right.
"Which one of them was it?" I pressed.

"If you know then what? Will it reverse the damage that has been caused?"

"It will clear your name, and it will clear the misunderstanding with dad."

"And why do you care? Since when do you care about my wellbeing?"

"I do not. But, whoever framed you works in our company and who is to say that they won't do this again to achieve another goal. They'll ruin the company even more. And it will be worse if dad unknowingly puts them in charge."

"They won't."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because this was directed at me. Not the company. The company just became a casualty."

"Well, I don't want to take any chances. So, I'm telling dad." I stood to march out but he blocked my path.

"What gives you the right to meddle?" He hissed.

"Someone has to because you clearly don't know what you are doing."

"Kaiya you are starting to irritate me. Mind your own business."

"This is my business," I told him. "As long as it affects the company even in the slightest bit, then it is my business too. Feel free to follow me so that it's easier explaining what happened to dad." With that, I shoved him out of the way and walked out.'

"What time was this?" Zahara asked.

"It was around eight pm when I left Ezra's house and headed for the mansion."

"And is this when the accident happened?"

Kaiya visibly swallowed and nodded her head. "I was driving pretty fast because I wanted to get it over and done with."

"But why were you so interested in this? It's not like it affected you directly."

"At the time, yes, it did not affect me. But keeping such a person in the company was risky, even if they were family."

"Okay, tell us about the accident," Teagan said.

'I used a route I don't normally use that night in order to avoid any unnecessary traffic. The route eventually joins into our street. And as you already know, the mansion is the only property on this street. I did not expect anyone to be walking on the street and I looked down for only a second to grab my phone, and I heard a bump. I thought it was an animal, but when I got out of the car I realised that I'd hit a person. A woman. I was shaking so much and I could barely breathe. I just knelt down next to her, I didn't even touch her. I heard a car stop behind mine and Ezra's voice, but I could not make out what he was saying to me.

"I hit a person," I mumbled over and over like a broken record.

"Did you call an ambulance?" Ezra asked and I shook my head. Ezra moved back to his car, probably to grab his phone and call an ambulance.

"Ezra what do I do? I hit a person," I cried, covering my mouth. "I hit a person. Is she dead?"

"No," Ezra said, now kneeling next to her. "She's still breathing. The ambulance will be here any minute."

"Ezra, what am I going to do? Dad is going to kill me or worse, he's going to disown me."

"He won't, calm down."

"How do you know that? I hit a person, Ezra. A real person. He's never going to forgive me,  I'm done for. Ezra you have to help me." I held his hands, pleading with him. "Please Ezra, please. I can't go to prison, please. You have to help me, please."

"Just calm down Kaiya. Let's deal with this first. Let's save the injured person first. She needs to get to a hospital."

But then you'll help me right?"

"One thing at a time Kaiya."

"Wait, wait." Teagan held her hand up. "Let me get this straight. You hit a person and started begging Ezra to help you. What exactly did you want him to do? Cover it up?"

"I wasn't thinking straight in that moment.         I was afraid and I was panicking. So, yes, I wanted him to help me by keeping quiet and covering it up."

"You're insane," Zahara muttered.

"I was scared. I did what any afraid human being would do."

"You did what a coward would do," Zahara rolled her eyes.

"Then I am a coward. If that is what makes me a coward, then okay. But put in a similar situation again, I would do it again, because anyone in my shoes would do it." Kaiya took a deep breath in and exhaled.
"Later that night, we got to the hospital. Ezra rose in the ambulance with her, while I drove behind. The doctor said that she needed surgery and she'd lost a lot of blood. I even donated some of my blood because we were a match. By the time the police arrived she was now stable, but still unconscious. The police questioned us at the same time and Ezra answered first. He told them that he did not know anything. Only that he was driving behind me and found me with the victim. That was his way of helping me. My fate was in my own hands."

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