4-J: Flaws (Apex 8)

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Apex 8:

Hiiro Wakaba and I are starting to get along, enough so for her to teach me how to write her name when I asked.

Her mood is also noticeably lighter.

But I worry that she is getting too comfortable, and so quickly too.

Smart as she is, she is also very reckless.

She did charge into a fight with one of Ariel's Puppet Taratect without doing proper scouting to gather information on her enemies.

Another thing I noticed about her is how tense she is in combat.

She is never in a relaxed state even when idling, and is always putting more force into her movement than necessary, both of which would wear her out quickly.

But I suppose she has been unintentionally putting herself through the ringer for so long that she has developed the fortitude to compensate.

Still, imagine how much further she can go if she was to pace herself correctly with that stamina.

These are issues I am going to have to bring up with her as she really doesn't seem to notice the stress she is putting on herself.

But I will wait until she is done fighting the Slasher Jellyfish she intends to try eating.

Just then, I received a call from the Elder.

Elder: <Hello Araba, I am not interrupting anything, am I?>

<No, what is it that you called me for?

Am I needed back at the labyrinth?>

Elder: <No no, just checking up on you and the Rising Star the Second.>

<Her name is Hiiro Wakaba actually.>

Elder: <Oh I see, you already befriended her huh?>

<I don't know about that, but she does seem to trust me now, not that I would consider that a good thing as she is getting too comfortable with me.>

Elder: <There you go with your obsession with being always ready again.

We all need rest from time to time, you already know that with how one should pace themselves to avoid wearing oneself out.>

<Yes, but relaxing when you can is not the same as dropping your guard entirely.

It's like sleeping, you leave yourself completely vulnerable doing that.

Trust, like rest, should be taken in small unobtrusive burst, not given into wholly.>

Elder: <Maybe, but most are not as insensitive as you.

The emotional toll of not having a safespace to fall back into will wear us out.>

<That is silly, for no such thing truly exists.

One must learn to see their emotions as nothing more than an asset to be used.

The emotions that do not help should be discarded.>

Elder: <Sigh, I am worried about how much you will end up hurting her.>

<You should not, she is strong, and will learn to be invincible emotionally given enough guidance.>

Elder: <...How stubborn, heh.

Guess we'll just have to see how things turn out then.

Oh, before I forget, Ariel is pretty mad about an Earth Dragon helping her enemy.

She will probably try to kill you on sight.>

<That is to be expected.>

Elder: <Not even a thought spared for trying to talk things out?

Oh well, you do you.

Bye bye.>


The Elder has doubts about my ways, but I am sure Hiiro Wakaba will prove him wrong.

Hiiro Wakaba: <Hey, were you talking to someone?>

<Yes, the Elder.

He was just checking up on me.>

Hiiro Wakaba: <Oh cool, what is he like?>

<Let's see, he doesn't take things too seriously, though sometimes I think he doesn't take things seriously enough.

He is prone to giving into the demands of emotions, willingly too which is silly.>

Hiiro Wakaba: <...Huh, I thought you would have better things to say about him considering how much you said you learnt from him.>

<No, I have acquired much knowledge from him, not the wisdom which I developed on my own.

Still, despite his faults, I am thankful for he provided to me regardless.>

Hiiro Wakaba: <...Okay, anyway so this Slasher Jellyfish tastes really good, here.>

<Food is food, to obese over the taste is silly.>

Hiiro Wakaba: <Well, I get what you mean, that the nutrients are what actually matters but...

Nevermind, I don't have a good counter to that.>

<Nor should you, focus on what's important.>

Hiiro Wakaba: <Fair enough.>

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