5-3: Pest Control (Spider 85 / Magic 5)

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Spider 85 / Magic 5:

Taboo: [Atone]

Interu: (It would be a bad idea to fall asleep completely when we are supposed to be on guard duty, right?

Thus, I had to relent and asked Arapa how to power nap my way into tip top shape like how he has been doing it for pretty much his whole life instead of sleeping like a normal person.

Absolutely insane, though I suppose that's rich coming from the likes of me, heh.

So yeah, we spent the night practising it, with Arapa having to wake us up everytime we dozed off.

Power naps are far from comfortable, but it is better than nothing I guess, they certainly get the job done at least.

I still rather just drift off into dreams, but no rest for the weary I guess.

And when the sun rose, I decided it was time to rise and shine ourselves.)

Majikku 1: (Really? No one is dumb enough to approach the nest?)

Interu: (Having passively scanned the surrounding area to keep ourselves awake during the night, I noticed there are a lot of bandits and their camps around.)

<Yeesh, what is this? A hot spot for banditary or something?>

Arapa / That: <So uncivilised, Humans truly are vulgar.>

Interu: <Let's not lump all of humanity into the same basket here.>

Majikku 1: And don't you guys toss your young into the wild to cull the weak?

Interu: <I mean, you realise I am Human too right?>

Arapa / That: <You are an exception, I hardly consider you to be Human.>

Interu: <Um, thanks?>

Majikku 1: Double standards, typical of any life it seems.

Arapa / That: <You are above these filth, you should really stop wasting your time on them and care more for yourself.>

Interu: <Well, much like most Humans, I tend to want things that aren't actually good for me, heh.>

Arapa / That: <Which is silly, much like the Maker's Beloved.>

Interu: ...

Majikku 1: Tsk, if you hate humanity so much, why don't you try amending any of it?

Oh wait, I forgot, you are just some no good speciesist stroking your ego by putting others down.

You don't actually care about doing better, especially not when you encourage us to be selfish.

Interu: Like you are any better.

Taboo: [Atone]

Majikku 1: I am trying to convince you to work with me on amending life itself by killing everything.

Interu: Nai wa, can you stop already?

The joke ain't funny to begin with, the cheap shock factor has faded.

Get better material, stupid cringelord.

Majikku 1: (...The audacity of this bitch! Nai wa!)

Interu: (She talks big, but I doubt she would hurt an actual person when it actually comes to it...well, at least when she is not completely clouded by anger.

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