5-A: 1* out of 25, Found (Wyrm 15)

69 5 6

Wyrm 15:

And...done, another masterfully built sandcastle is completed.

I have been practising my [Earth Magic] with the sand around here.

Doubles as a way to train my MP and Magic Stat and their Stat Boosting Skills.

I could hit myself with Magic to train those of Resistance's too on top of [Suffering Resistance], but I don't much fancy hurting myself.

I still do it from time to time, but definitely not as often as Skanda-sama would, I seriously wondered if that guy is actually a masochist sometimes.

Anyway, I looked around to see that some coconut crabs are fighting each other again over, well, coconuts.

Shooting water and sand out of their claws as if they were cannons and crushing each other's armour with those claws as well.

Pretty scary to be honest, good thing they don't bother you if you don't bother them, or try to take their coconuts.

I don't want to talk about how I learnt that.

Still, while I can't try the coconuts, I certainly can try the coconut crabs that die in their duels for their favourite food, as they seem uninterested in eating each other.

Meaty and a bit salty, like they are already seasoned with soy sauce, so they are really good, especially if you cook them.

And thankfully, they don't mind me taking the corpses for myself.

Though I did notice that the coconuts crabs deliberately move the corpses of their kind to the base of the coconut trees, which made me wonder the purpose of such actions.

Skanda-sama theorises that they are using each other as fertiliser for the trees when I told him about it, pretty brutal if you ask me.

Skanda-sama: <Fei? You free right now?>

Speak of the devil.

<Yeah, just watching another fight, what's up?>

Skanda-sama: <I think I found one of your fellow Reincarnates.>

<Really, what's their name?>

Skanda-sama: <Shouko Negishi, ring any bells?>

<Oh um, yeah, it does...>

Skanda-sama: <Hm? What's wrong?>

<Well, uh...>

Rihoko, I kind of forgot about her when Wakaba became my main target.

And I called her that to her face on many occasions as well.

<She is someone I need to apologise to as well.>

Skanda-sama: <What for? If you don't mind sharing.>

<Uh, let's just say, that she is far from looking normal, and that many of us called her by a disgraceful nickname for that fact, myself included.>

Skanda-sama: <Oh, well, we are all young and foolish once, I can rely the message if you want.>

<Um, no, I want to apologise in person, maybe after I get a Human form first though.>

Skanda-sama: <Heh, got'chu, don't want to freak her out by showing up as a Monster and all, I get it.>

<Yeah...that and I don't want anyone from my past life to know I am a Monster, at least at first.

So anyway, how is she doing?>

Then Skanda-sama told me about how he found her and others under a bandit attack on the road and saved the victims.

Skanda-sama: <And then I noticed some suspicious figures following them, and followed them myself to see what's up.

Seems like there is more going on here then just a simple bandit attack.>

<That doesn't sound good.>

Skanda-sama: <Oh don't worry, I will keep her safe, you have my words.

If anything, I suggest you worry about what you want to say when you are ready to meet her again.>

<Mm, yes, thanks so much.>

Skanda-sama: <You are more than welcomed.

Well then, bye for now.>


I am worried about something more sinister going on there, but Skanda-sama is overpowered enough to handle.

I am sure of that, unless the Demon Lord has something to do with it, then even he is not ready for it.

But he has been giving her a run for her money, so Ri-I mean Negishi is in safe hands.

...I just hope she doesn't lose it again and give her overkill 'training'.

And looks like the duel for the coconuts is over, time to go snatch my dinner.

Super Spark of Duper Pride [OB] - Act II: DeconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now