Leaving what is broken - Jeongin / Seungmin Oneshot Fanfic

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Jeongin loves you.

That is an absolute, undisputable and undoubtable fact.

Everyone who knows you two, knows this as well.

You've been each other's firsts in everything. First crush, first embrace, first kiss, first late-night fuck, but most importantly, first love. Neither of you believed in that silly saying about how the first love is certainly going to end badly, that it never works out, so you never believed that Jeongin will also be your first heartbreak.

In fact, the thought never even passed through your head. You didn't even consider it a possibility.

So, you were totally unprepared.

You both met when you were children, and clicked instantly, no matter how much the kids at school made fun of you for holding hands in 6th grade. It was embarrassing, but you already knew you loved Jeongin, so you could stand through every trial the young adult life put you through.

The first and only problem in your relationship came when he was 16 and told you he wants to do something more with his life, to leave the small, quiet mountain town you both grew up in, and to pursue a career in the music industry. He was a talented singer, and you always complimented his voice when he sang you love ballads, and that gave him the courage he needed to audition.

You were happy, and you supported him unconditionally and encouraged him to do it. You knew he could, even when he wasn't sure of it himself. You just knew he had it in him, and that he was made for greater things that this small town could offer him.

You were there when he heard back from this big company in Seoul called JYP Entertainment, you held his hand booking train tickets together so that he can go through the final trial that ultimately got him in, and you were there, in the hotel room, waiting for his practice to end so that you can hug and congratulate him for proving you what you already knew: that he could do whatever he set his heart to.

You are still here today, 5 years later, in your shared apartment he bought for the two of you.

When he got accepted in the company, you didn't know how you were going to do it. Both of you were still in high school, but you decided to move with him to Seoul, where you didn't know anyone, to get a job to be able to support you living there as well since Jeongin was not getting paid much at first, and you two kept being together, no matter how successful he got.

He loves you. You know it. You are sure of it. It just doesn't feel like he loves you that much lately, though, since you are damned to spend yet another anniversary alone. Dinner already got cold on the table, his wine glass stayed untouched while you emptied and refilled yours for at least 5 times now, but what hurts the most is glancing at your phone, empty of any messages to at least acknowledge the fact that you've been together for exactly 12 years.

It hurts.


What Jeongin is doing right now in one of the bathroom stalls at work would make anyone question his love for you, but ever since he met you when you were 10, and even now, 12 years later, he's been in love with you, undoubtedly so. You're still the reason he gets up in the morning, his favourite person, and the one he wants to grow old with.

Why is he doing this?

Why is he letting this intern choke on his dick while he rolls his head back and moans in pleasure?

Why is he pushing her head down and caressing her face lovingly, encouraging her that she can, indeed, take it, even if her whole face is smeared with make-up and snot and she's clearly struggling?

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