Break my back - Minho Oneshot Fanfic

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"Okay, okay. We get it, you lift." Seungmin chuckled and rolled his eyes at Changbin flexing his arms for the 10th time tonight. "Let's go on. Amy, the next card reads: 'What's the most embarrassing memory you have?' Let's hear it!"

"When we were 19, Tempest drank a whole ass glass of wine in a gulp and ended up throwing up all over herself and the bathroom all night long!" Amy laughed hard, smacking Emma's knee a few times.

"Oh God, I remember that! I never knew someone could have such a low alcohol tolerance!" Emma shared Amy's excitement and burst out laughing as well. "Or when she liked that guy and he ended up having sex with Julia, and Tempest walked on them. God, the face she made! Soooo embarrassing!"

How did we end up talking about this? You wondered, dying inside from the embarrassment. Was it really necessary for your best friends to bring up in front of these people, who are essentially strangers, what a lightweight you are, or what a terrible love life you had, ever since your first crush ended up snogging your best friend on the kitchen counter at a party almost 10 years ago?

How the fuck did I end up here?


~4 months earlier~

The soreness of your back started to become almost unbearable, and it was barely 3 PM.

4 more hours to go.

You almost whined loudly from the pain, but there was nothing you could do about it. You had to sit on this stupidly uncomfortable chair in your small cubicle at work for the next 3 hours and go through all the bank statements of your company from the past 6 months, and there were a lot of them. Your boss must love you.

When 6 PM finally rolled around, you got up from your chair and stretched your arms a bit, before heading towards the elevator with hurried steps.

One more hour.

You sang in your head as you hopped on the bus, always way too full for your liking. However, there was nothing you could do about this either. You didn't have a licence, and God forbit you ever got one. You would be a complete disaster behind the wheel, you found out from your friends, who never ceased to give you a piece of their minds when it came to the things you could or couldn't do.

It must've been the truth, though. Your friends know you better than anyone else, so they obviously know how much of a failure you've been 10 years ago when you tried to get the damn licence. You managed to pass the theory test, but as soon as the practical part started, all your limbs started to tremble, and you were no longer able to hear the examiner's voice speaking out directions next to you. Needless to say, you failed that tremendously, but your friends have been through it with you and consoled you for being way too stupid to pass the damn test and for letting your anxiety get the better of you, and even convinced you not to take it again, for your own good. If your anxiety attacks get so bad you can't even hear a person screaming in your ear, you have no place on the road, they said, and you believed them.

Not having a car meant that more often than not you had to take the bus, and your weekly one-hour commute to the massage parlour was no exception to this. Unfortunately for you, 6 PM when you finished work was rush hour, so you had to commute standing on your feet, since the bus was always so full, which was another almost unbearable challenge for your back. But soon, everything would be over, as your masseuse's skills and hands were the only things providing relief for your chronic backache.

You loved Tatiana a lot. Not only was she a great masseuse, but she was also such a nice lady too. She knew you weren't much of a talker, she knew which spots to press on your body to make you relax, and she knew where on your back hurt the most. You've been seeing her religiously week after week for years and it helps. After seeing her on Friday, you would be good to go for another week, the pain barely noticeable. She did tell you to come by even more, but you couldn't exactly afford it; even once a week made a dent through your finances, but you didn't have anything else to spend your money on anyway, and it doesn't hurt anyone that you're getting 4 massages per month, so who cares?

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