Stargazer Lilies - Changbin Oneshot Fanfic

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This can't be.

You watched in horror as two strong red lines formed on the small piece of plastic you were holding with your shaking hands. It was like they were mocking you.

No way.

The morning sickness should've been a dead giveaway, if anything.

To be honest, it was the thing that actually got you thinking that something is seriously wrong with you.

You've missed your period before, so you weren't too alarmed of it. However, one day late turned into one week, one week turned into one month, and then you randomly woke up one day and felt more nauseous than you've ever been in your entire life.

"It must be a stomach bug! Poor baby!" your boyfriend, Changbin, pouted as he was holding your hair, helping you go through a horrifying episode of emptying your bowels in the toilet. "Or maybe the food was too spicy? I'm really sorry, Y/N..."

You felt so bad. It was the first time in a few weeks that you were seeing your boyfriend. Dating an idol comes with many sacrifices, unfortunately.

First of all, your relationship stays private, no matter for how long you've dated. You've already hit the one-year mark with Changbin some months ago, but you can't be seen with him, ever.

Second, his career is and will always be a priority over you. You have to accept that, no matter what, it will be the number one most important thing in his life, and you will come second.

Third, he will be gone from home. A lot. You will spend many days going from room to room only to find no one there, many nights falling asleep to the sound of whatever TV show you played just to not feel as lonely, and many mornings feeling the empty space next to you in bed with your hand and wondering if you could really do this, if your love could really conquer all and help you get over the fact that you spend more time alone than you do in your boyfriend's presence.

All the doubts that set in during those lonely hours seem to disappear when you see him, however. Because fuck, Changbin's been treating you like a priority ever since day one, and he would always do things to remind you that even if he is 5000 km away from you on whichever tour, he's still thinking about you. You're still the only thing that's on his mind.

So, when you receive a bouquet of stargazer lilies on a random Tuesday with a post-it note in the form of a heart that says "You are so beautiful today" (In his handwriting! You have no idea how he even manages to do that), when he videocalls you at night to wish you to sleep well even if it's 3 AM wherever he is and he has practice in 4 hours, or when you wake up each morning with a new text telling you how much he loves and misses you (as if the flowers haven't already conveyed the message), you almost forget about all the hardships that come with dating him.


But spending so much time alone, doubts inevitably form inside of your head.

Of course, you know better than anyone that he really loves you. After all, he got this apartment just for the two of you, for the seldom times he's home, even though you've only been dating for a few months at that point, and everyone told him he's more like a sugar daddy than a boyfriend if he keeps buying you things like this.

Even so, loving someone and (sort of) living together doesn't necessarily mean that he would be ready for a child.

You knew he would be an amazing dad. He was such a family man – the relationship he has with his own family is something you've been very jealous of. You've never met someone else who calls their mom and dad regularly just to catch up when he is too busy to visit, or who takes their sister shopping or simply to grab food and spend time with her because he misses her. Hell, even you don't talk that much with your own family. You don't remember the last time you spoke to your parents, or the last time you saw your sisters. Of course, you moving away from home to be with your boyfriend was a pretty big factor in you and your family's decaying relationship, but still. A phone call nowadays is not impossible to make. No one's called you, however, and you were never the type to call.

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