Volume 1: Welcome to ANHS

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Advanced Nurturing High School. Said to be one of the best high schools in Japan, if not the entire world. Boasting a 100% unemployment and college entry rate, most people might consider it a privilege to be admitted.

I am not most people.

Life in America was going really well for me. Had lots of friends, and all the free time in the world because my school was a complete joke.

My parents had other plans though it seems. I had an interview and placement test this year, not even knowing what it was for, that determined I was eligible for admission to ANHS.

So off to Japan I went!

I sit on a bus bringing me to the school thinking this and mentally sulking at this new life that I'd have to endure for the next three years.

I absent mindedly looked out the window as the bus made yet another stop, which would hopefully be its last. I hate long bus rides.

A beautiful girl with long, strawberry blond hair made her way over to me.

"Hey, can I sit here?", she asked me cheerfully.

"Sure, of course!", I said, "I'm Koichi Okamoto, by the way, but you can call me by my first name."

"Honami Ichinose, great to meet you Koichi-kun! You nervous?"

I looked at my leg, which was shaking uncontrollably. Guess I can't really lie.

"A little bit. I just moved back here recently from America," I said, "Feels weird to be in Japan again, and thousands of miles away from my parents."

"Ah that must be rough. If it makes you feel any better though, this school should be tons of fun!"

"I sure hope so," I said.

The bus continued on its way towards school. I had to admit that the view was breathtaking, both out the window and in the seat next to mine.

It finally stopped at our destination.

"Wanna walk with me?", I asked her.

"Why not?", she said cheerfully, "I'm in Class 1-B by the way."

"Lucky me then! You're in my class," I said happily.

We took a second to first gather where we were, before examining a nearby map to find the auditorium so we could attend the entrance ceremony.


The ceremony was boring, simply put. I assumed that this internationally renowned school would do something a bit more special, but that's just how things are I guess.

Ichinose-san and I both went to our classroom, marked Class 1-B.

We weren't the first to enter the classroom, there were a decent number of people there already. I made my way to my seat which was somewhat near the center of the class. Luckily for me, my first friend at this school was seated to my right.

Shortly after we took our seats, a pretty, young woman walked in. I assume she is to be our instructor.

"Good morning! I'm your homeroom teacher, Chie Hoshinomiya, but you can call me Chie-chan if you wish."

"We don't switch classes every year here, so these will be your classmates until graduation. It's great to meet all of you!"

"Homeroom is your only class today, so you guys can spend the day as you wish once I leave. Classes start tomorrow. I'll now give out the pamphlets concerning the school rules and, your student ID cards."

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