Bonus Chapter: It's My Party And I'll Die If I Want To

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With Barry in Purgatory

Barry turns and sees his brother Malcolm there.

He smiles at seeing him and sees him groan as he gets up.

Barry says "Oh... Macky, Macky, Macky. What have you don't this time?" with a smile on his face as his twin looks back at him with confusion.

Malcolm says "No. No, Ramsey's still messing with my head."

Barry says "Mack, you need to calm down."

Malcolm turns to him and says "You're not real. How did I get here? Wally, he was a Blood Brother. He attacked me."

Then he looked at Barry in realization.

Malcolm says "He killed me."

Barry walks closer and says "Dying is the easy part. Remember?"

Malcolm says "It's really you."

Barry nods and says "Yeah."

And they share a hug when Malcolm went in.

Barry says "Okay, okay. I missed you too, Macky."

He chuckles hugging him.

Barry says "Can you let go, buddy? Malcolm, let go!"

Malcolm lets go and says "Wait, if you're here, that means I'm really..."

Barry says "You're dead. Otherwise, why would I let you hug me that long?"

Malcolm says "But if I'm dead, no one's there to stop them. Patty. The baby. The whole world's in danger."

Barry says "I know. But it's not just your world that's in danger. When I took on the power of the Spectre, I thought that I was the only Spectre in existence, but there is more. More than one. But, I also learned of the Multiverse. And this Multiverse was new as it replaced the one that had fallen."

Malcolm says "When we fought the Red Death, she thought she escaped from her timeline to an alternate one."

Barry says "She is from Earth-8126."

Malcolm asks "You're numbering them?"

Barry says "Not just me. But other Spectre's. And I've had a bit of time on my hands. Keeping an eye on threats to these new worlds. Like your friend Ramsey Rosso. He wants to spread his infectious cells to every world out there."

Malcolm says "No, I mean, Ramsey's powerful, but he's not capable of that."

Barry says "Right, but with Wally by his side... Wally thought that he was projecting his consciousness into the Speed Force to reach alternate timelines, when, in fact, he was reaching other Earths. So, if Ramsey's control over Wally becomes permanent..."

Malcolm says "He'll gain control of the Multiverse too."

Barry nods.

Barry turns around and feels something wrong.

Then other Spectres were talking to him asking if he needs their help. And he told them no.

Barry says "The attack's starting. Ramsey's fed his cells into the breach. Soon they're going to infect your world and all of the worlds yet to be born."

Malcolm says "I have to stop him. You have to get me out of here and back to Star City."

Barry says "It's not that simple."

Malcolm shouts "You have the power of a god. You can bring me back from the dead."

Barry shouts "No, I can't."

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