Chapter 5: Damaged

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An arrow shoots a rabbit and it falls down.

Yao Fei says "Dinner."

Barry says "Come-- Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you let me shoot the bow... and you go pick up the bloody, dead, disgusting animal?"

Yao Fei holds the bow out and Oliver grabs it

Yao Fei says "Try. Breathe. Everything breathe. Breathe. Aim. Fire."

Barry sets the arrow on the bow and Yao Fei says "Aim that tree."

Barry pulls back on the bow and Yao Fei says "Breathe."

Barry lets go and hits the Left side of the tree.

Yao Fei says "Good. But aim in middle." and hands him another arrow.

Barry sets it on the bow and aims.

Yao Fei says "Same before. Aim. Breathe."

Barry lets go and it hits in the middle of the tree.

Yao Fei says "You good at bow."

Barry says "I took some archery classes when I was a kid. I haven't done it in a long time, but it looks like I can still shoot."

Yao Fei nods and says something in Chinese

Barry says "What does that mean?"

Yao Fei says "You have decent chance of surviving. Why don't you grab rabbit and next time, I will."

Barry says "Okay." And he walks after handing the bow back.

He got close and people grabbed him and put handcuffs on him.

They pulled him to a homemade cell out of sticks in the dirt

Barry says "Wait. Wait. You can't leave me here. Don't do this to me. Please."

They hit him with the end of their gun and he screams in pain and he yells "Please! I didn't do anything!"

End of Flashback

Barry and Oliver were being pulled in front of reporters.

Policeman 1 says "Stay back."

Barry narrates "The Police think they know who I am. They think we're the vigilantes. The men in the hoods terrorizing the city's criminals. They also think they have us trapped. That we have no way out."

Inside they put black paint on their fingers and put it on pieces of paper with their names on it 'Allen-Queen, Bartholomew Henry' and 'Queen, Oliver Jonas'. 

Barry narrates "They're only half-right."

And they hold plaques with their names on them.

In an Interrogation Room with Barry and Oliver

Barry says "This is a mistake."

Lance says "I'll be asking you a few questions. Standard stuff for the report. Have you been arrested before?"

Barry chuckles with Oliver.

Lance says "It's okay, I know the answer to that one. Plenty of times, for both of you."

Oliver says "As Barry said, this is a mistake."

Lance says "As far as I can tell, the mistake I made... was not shooting you two down at the docks when I had the chance."

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