Chapter 6: Legacies

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{{I'm changing Barry's birthday, back to his original birthday in 1989 instead of 1986.}}

At the Arrowcave

Barry and Diggle were stick fighting keeping up with each other's movements.

Dawn was watching her father work out.

Barry dodged an attack and says "ANchor the rear hand, Diggle. Come on."

Diggle says "Okay."

They went back at it and After a few seconds, Barry hit him across the face with the pole.

Diggle grunts.

Barry says "Variable acceleration. Fighters work at the same pace. You switch it up, throw your opponent off his game."

Diggle grunts and says "That was nice. Where'd you learn that?"

Barry says "His name was Yao Fei. He protected me when I first got to the island."

Diggle asks "Did he give you those scars?"

Barry says "One of them."

Diggle asks "And the others?"

Barry says "Most of them were from torture. I wouldn't give up Yao Fei."

Diggle says "You know, one day you're gonna tell me everything about what really happened on that island."

Barry says "Absolutely."

And they started to go at it again blocking each other's attacks.

And Barry dodged them all, turning and hitting Diggle in the knee.

He falls as he grunts.

Barry says "But not today."

Diggle says "Still, some pretty sweet moves."

Barry says "Yup. Tonight I'm gonna use some on him."

Diggle and Oliver walk over.

Oliver says "I know right? He hit me so many times when he first started training me."

Dawn asks "Is that why you came home with bruises on your face?"

Oliver nods.

Dawn asks "When are you gonna train me, Daddy?"

Barry turns to her and says "Never. You will never learn how to fight."

Dawn asks "Why not? Please."

Barry says "No, Dawn. I'm not."

Dawn asks "But why not?"

Barry yells "Because I said no, Dawn!"

Dawn flinches at that.

Dawn looks down and Barry set the sticks down on the table and says "I'm sorry for yelling. I don't want you to learn how to fight. You're a kid. You should be a kid. Not a fighter."

Dawn says "Okay." and she goes to sit down and plays with her toys.

Barry leaned against the table and rubs his nose and sighs.

Diggle asks "Who's he?"

Barry says "Scott Morgan runs Water & Power in the Glades. Jacks up the price when people can't pay... shits them down even in the dead of winter."

Diggle says "Which is at least a month away. Look at this."

He sat the sticks down and says "These guys started in Keystone three years ago. Then began moving west, hitting banks along the way. This morning, they hit Starling City Trust. Shot an off-duty cop. He's in a coma. And the doctors say it's a coin toss whether he'll make it."

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