Chapter 16: Dead to Rights

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At a Heliport

Arrow was waiting for the helicopter to land.

Sirens were heard coming from afar.

And the helicopter turned off.

A man stepped out and took out a phone.

He began to type on it and called a number.

He puts the phone against his ear and says "I've just landed in Starling City. We agreed half on arrival the other half when the job is done."

He heard beeping and looked at his phone he brought the phone back to his ear and said, "Gracias. Don't worry. The man's as good as..."

Then Arrow fired an arrow at the phone.

Arrow says "Guillermo Barrera, you have failed this city."

Barrera says "You and your other three pals built quite a reputation." 

Arrow says "And you should have stayed overseas."

Barrera says "I thought about it, but then I remembered I've got a reputation too."

And blades dropped from his jacket sleeves.

Arrow quickly drew an arrow and fired and Barrera blocked it with the blades.

He threw a blade at Arrow and Arrow quickly fired an arrow at the blade knocking it out of the air before it hit him and he ran at Barrera.

And they got into close combat.

Arrow ducked and dodged and blocked an attack and hit him with his bow.

Then Arrow went in for the attack blocked multiple hits and then punched him in the face.

And they still went at it.

Then Arrow was counteracting attacks and pulled an arrow out and stabbed him with it when he got up from blocking kicks.

Then sirens were heard again as Barrera dropped to the ground.

Arrow grabbed the phone and ran.

At the Arrowcave

Diggle was teaching Felicity and Ella to fight.

They both were on the ground and grunted.

Felicity was panting and they both got up with help from Diggle.

Diggle says "Now the trick is to keep your weight evenly distributed."

Felicity says "I thought the trick was to avoid getting into fights."

Tommy says "Yeah, well, Starling City's not the kind of place where you can talk your way out of trouble." as he tosses her a towel.

Diggle tossed one to Ella.

Oliver says "Besides, if you're gonna be working with us we'll sleep a lot easier knowing you two can handle yourselves. At least a little bit."

Barry entered with his hood down and walked to the table.

Diggle asks "How did it go?"

Barry sets his bow on the table and says "Badly for him."

Felicity and Ella say in unison "Who him?"

Barry says "An assassin for hire with an affinity for knives. Name was Guillermo Barrera."

Tommy and Felicity say in unison "Was?"

Diggle says "So we can't ask him about his intended target?"

Barry walked to the desk and crossed off the assassin's name.

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