The Doctor's Jealousy (Pt 1)

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As usual, the TARDIS was gently floating through space and time, keeping us safe. That would be until the doctor decides to fly directly into danger, of course. Because let me tell you, that happens often.

Myself, The Doctor, and Jack were gathered in the control room, The Doctor pushing his little buttons on his panel. I'm yet to learn exactly what all those buttons do; they intrigue me.

"You know, when we were running back there, I can't lie and say you didn't look hot." Jack states, quite out of the blue, his flirtatious charm always activated.

The Doctor was still leaning against his panel, his head lowered, but his eyes flickered up to look at Jack.

"My running?" I say back in disbelief. "Out of all the things, my running?"

"Well, what can I say? There's a lot of things I could say about you, I gotta start somewhere." He replied with a light chuckle and a twitch of his eyebrows.

I shake my head and roll my eyes with a smile. Jack can't help himself but flirt with any living thing he can find.

He stepped closer towards me, his eyes trailing downwards, that flirtatious, cocky grin of his rarely leaving his face.

"Want me to get started on those other things?"

"Right!" The Doctor exclaims, interrupting Jack and startling him enough to turn his head to face him.

Quite startled myself, I watched the two stare at each other in awkward silence, deciding it would be a good opportunity to take a step back a little.

Jack continued to stare in confusion, whilst The Doctor gave him a blank stare with his mouth creating a flat line.

"What?" Jack finally asks.

"I do not want to hear that thank you." The Doctor replies quickly, before shortly going back to press some buttons, to then step away from his panel again to continue to watch us.

Still confused, Jack turned to raise his eyebrow at me. I couldn't bare this atmosphere, the tension grew, making me feel uneasy. I could only give him a small smile before I looked away, tilting my head to look at the floor.

"Have you got an issue with me calling her hot?" He asks The Doctor, evidently still confused.

I raised my eyebrows and squinted my eyes in awkwardness. See, whenever Jack flirts, with anyone, he means it, but he doesn't mean it. He could tell you if you're hot, but he'll tell the next person that they're hot too. And everyone who knows Jack knew that, that's why I'm not taking him seriously. But the tension in this room today was unbearable.  The worst part about it was the silence between every few sentences.

"Well," The Doctor replies with a jolt of his neck. "You don't exactly have a great history with women do you?"

"I have a great history with women, thank you very much." Jack laughs.

"What I mean is, Jack, if there were seven girls here you'd have seven girls this week."

"Well that depends, are they hot?"

"Doesn't matter, Jack." The sternness in his voice grew. "Just don't go making moves on her."

"It's okay," I start, feeling awkward about how I'm the centre of an argument without really getting any part of it. "I know he's just joking around, it's just him, you know that, he does this all the time."

"Yeah well not to you."

I don't know why I felt a little bad. His look was cold, making me unsure if I was getting the bigger picture here.
I bit my bottom lip out of anxious habit.

"Wait hold on, Doctor," Jack walked over towards him. "I'm getting the feeling that you-"


"Do you like-"


Jack looked over to me, his face coated in amusement. The two contrasted each other very well, I couldn't help to notice. Jack's eyes were lighting up at the second, his lips pulled into a smile. Whereas the Doctor's eyebrows were pointed sharp, paired with a serious set of eyes.

I couldn't return the amused look back to Jack. The tension in this room was too much, and it had all came out of the blue for me to be comfortable with it.

"This ends now, Jack. Flirt with other women, men, I don't care. But she is my friend and companion in this ship, and I don't want any of your ideas involved."

I've never witnessed him be this way before. I don't see why he'd be so bothered.

"I know he's not being serious, Doctor." My voice was taken aback and quiet.

"Oh believe you me, he is."

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