Chapter 14: The Odyssey

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Barry says "Don't worry. I'll clear it, later."

Felicity says "No, I'll clean it. Just save your strength, please."

Barry nods and says "Okay."

Later at the Arrowcave

The team was listening to the news and heard "So face the police are unwilling to comment but unsubstantiated eyewitness reports claim the Starling City Vigilante attacked Mrs. Queen in her office earlier tonight. She was unharmed in the assault."

Then a girl's voice says "Excuse me."

Then the team around, Oliver and Tommy ready to fire their bows and Diggle ready to fire his gun.

They saw it was Felicity and she says "Can you help me? He's really heavy."

Tommy lowered the bow and yells "No!" and dropped it as he ran past Felicity and jumps over the railing to the stairs and climbs them fast, then pulls himself up fast over the other railing as he runs faster.

Oliver yells "Tommy! Wait!" as he runs after him.

Tommy got to the car and saw Barry bleeding and says "Barr!" he moves his head to look at him and he says "Barry? Can you hear me?"

Barry groans

Tommy saw the wound and says "Don't worry, buddy. I promise, I'll fix you right up, don't worry." and he picks him up.

Barry's face cuddles into the crook of Tommy's neck.

Tommy says "It's okay. It's okay, buddy. I got you."

Oliver had run over and said, "Barry!"

Tommy says "We need to go, now."

And Tommy rushes him in with Oliver keeping a lookout.

He got in after running down the stairs and he sets him on the table.

Diggle pulls him over.

Tommy checks the wound after getting his jacket off.

Diggle says "Oh, damn it. You know what the means, T?"

Tommy says "He just missed a carotid. It's a zone II wound. Press there." as he has Felicity press down there where he told her to.

Felicity says "I should have taken him to a hospital."

Tommy says "No, Felicity, that's why he asked you to bring him here. Because he knew the police would wanna know how and why he got that wound."

Felicity says "I'm guessing how and why are Barry Queen's least favorite questions."

Diggle says "Yeah, well, there's also when and where he's not too fond of."

Tommy put gloves on and started to dig in the drawer

Felicity says "So if we can't bring him to the hospital--"

Tommy opens the drawer that released cold mist into the air and says "We are bringing the hospital to him." and he grabs a thing of blood.

She asks "Is that--"

Tommy says "Yeah, his blood. He stored it for a rainy day. Like me and Oliver did. And I say right now, it's pouring."

She says "Hm."

Tommy says "I got it. Over there."

Felicity asks "Do you know what you're doing?"

Tommy says "Yeah, thanks to Diggle. And I started taking medical lessons too. I just hope it's enough."

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