Chapter 11: Game Time

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The final bell rings and I flee from that awful classroom. It's 3:30, and the game starts at 4, which gives me and Hannah half an hour to get ready for my proposal. Alfie and Korey had to run home before the game, but Zoe and Grace follow us out to the car to retrieve the stuff. Hannah pulls out the poster and the soccer ball and we head to the library to go over the last minute plans.

"So are you going to ask him before, or after the game?" Zoe asked me.

I hadn't even thought about that. I haven't thought about any of these smaller details.

"Ask him after, then he won't be distracted while he's playing" Grace pitched in.

"I can't do this" I mutter, as I feel myself drifting into a state of complete panic.

This used to happen to me all the time in New York. When I was really bad. I would be taken over by fear, and panic, sometimes over nothing. Oh god. Why is this happening to me? My mind is spinning and I can't think straight. My breathing begins to quicken.

"I can't do this" I repeat, a little bit louder this time.

I stand up, knocking over my chair. My mind starts picking out every single thing that could go wrong. This whole thing was an awful idea. I grab my poster and soccer ball and start to run out of the library.

"Troye?!" Hannah yells as the door closes behind me. I need to get out of here before things get worse. I run out the front doors of our campus and head outside. Just then, the rain starts. Perfect.

The few students that were outside run in to the school, laughing and smiling. I just keep walking, and soon enough I'm soaking wet. I sit down on this small bench by the side of the school, put the poster down, and think. I wish I wasn't such a coward. I can hear Zoe calling my name from somewhere in the distance, but I don't respond. Two students walk by me and I overhear part of their conversation.

"No bro, didn't you hear? The game is cancelled. We got rained out"

I let out such a huge sigh my whole body shudders. All this for nothing. Of course it wouldn't work out, nothing ever works out. I don't move to go home or find my friends. I just sit on the bench, soaking wet, crying, and think.

I am deep in thought when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, ready to tell Hannah to just go home without me, but it wasn't Hannah who wanted to talk to me.

It was Tyler.

"Tyler?" I say. What is he doing here? The game was cancelled, and he's not even in his soccer uniform. Plus it's raining.

"Hey Troye with an e," Tyler says smirking. "You're soaking wet."

I try to smile back at him. It must not have been very convincing.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really." I say, looking at my feet.

"I think I have something that will make you feel better" he says with a devilish grin.

I turn to look at him. He is still standing up, with his arms around his back like he's hiding something behind him. I give him an 'I'm listening' look.

He grabs my hand into one of his and pulls me up off the bench. He looks at me and we make eye contact for what seems like eternity. God, his eyes are gorgeous. I could get lost in them. With his hand still holding mine, he reveals what is behind his back. Out comes a giant bouquet of roses, with a little not attached.

"Homecoming?" it read.

I look at him, so baffled he would even do this. He has this stupid grin on his face. This stupid, cute, adorable grin. The butterflies in my stomach start going wild.

"Hannah texted me when you told her you were gay, I know I should of let you come out to me yourself, but I couldn't resist.." he said

My heart begins to speed up again, but not in a bad way like before. Without taking the roses or saying a word, I turn around and reach underneath the bench and grab the poster and soccer ball. I unravel the poster and hold it out in front of him, smiling from ear to ear.

And we start to laugh. We laughed together, and suddenly everything seemed okay again.

"Yes" I say

"Yes" he returns, like we are in some sort of cheesy romantic chick flick.

He hands me the roses and I give him his soccer ball and just as we were about to start walking back to the main building. Zoe, Hannah, and Grace appear.

"Troye..we were so worried" Zoe says, sighing with relief.

I hug her, and apologize for my freak out.

"Tyler?" Grace notices, "What are you doing—"

It's like I can see the gears in her brain click as she realized what just happened.

"Did you bring those for- He asked you to- Oh my god! How dare you?" she says as she figures it all out.

Tyler grabs my hand and my heart skips a beat. And while we walk back to our cars, I smiled. Things had worked out.

For now.

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