Chapter 14 - Reunion

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Laval stumbled into the kitchen, tired from last night.

In which he met his idol, who has a mad scientist husband, died again, got Razar and Worriz back, and now he's dating his best friend. Damn, a lot can happen in one night. 

Razar was already sitting at the table, smugly enjoying a cup of tea. "You look rather pleased, my friend."

Laval grinned despite himself, tapping his claw against the metal of the Fire Wings. It was sort of odd how he was the only one so far, whose outfit resembled the phoenix's the most. Everyone seemed to be dressed up in their own style while he... was not. It didn't help that he had to keep it on his person 24/7 or else he'll return to a not so dreamless sleep. Even in bed.

Everyone else got comfortable necklaces and belts (though Laval wasn't sure if he wanted to sleep with a chain around his waist like Razar must have) while he had on full chest plate! Sure, he'd sleep with one on during wars sometimes, but a break would be nice.

"Did you and Worriz stay the night?" He asked, avoiding the thought.

Razar nodded. "I am very happy to see my tribe again, but I feel like I need some time to myself. Especially after learning of my Father's passing..."


The raven stirred the spoon in his cup, all the smug and confident energy gone as he stared at the liquid. Laval grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster as he thought about what to say. Honestly, sorry felt like a lame response, speaking from experience. But Razar seemed to say it as best he could.

"Well, he's in a better place than we are now. I'm almost jealous."

"Uh... what?"

"Did Cragger ask you out yet?"

Laval chuckled nervously. "Yeah. We have plans to go out sometime. Soonish. By the way did you feel that sort of... I don't know... feeling? Last night. Like another light just- spawned?"

Razar nodded. "It didn't feel like the others, yes? Perhaps one of the phoenixes?"

"Hmm. Li'Ella did tell me that phoenix can share each other's emotions. Maybe that's why we can feel each other's lights."

Laval took his toast once it popped out of the toaster, put some jam on it, and contemplated their new powers. Could they do all the things phoenixes can do? So far, he was able to fly and shoot fire from his hands. So, could they do other things, maybe even learn how to tell the future like Eris could?

"I just have one question, my friend." Razar began as Laval took a bite of his breakfast.

"Why are you the only one in Phoenix-like attire?" The alway observant raven practically read his mind.

*Knock, knock, knock*

Thank the Beasts.

"Welp, I should answer that!" He practically cheered as he headed downstairs, toast in hand. Razar followed with his cup of tea, curious to who it was.

Laval opened the door and the two were greeted by Scorm, still wearing his golden helmet but now dawning a sort of green sweater with gold-colored scorpions stitched along the sleeves. 

"I propose a truce." He put up his right hand for Laval to shake.

"Uh... Okay." Laval finished the rest of his toast and shook it awkwardly. Razar continued to sip his tea, still bitter about his beast being mind controlled to steal golden chi for the scorpion tribe. 

"Now that we've got that settled, I have something I must tell you." Scorm began as he walked into Laval's house, uninvited.

"I have grown in my time after the war. Learning and doing things and growing."

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