Chapter 5 - Have to Try

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Tormak studied the many altars put up in honor of the fallen in the middle of town. As people passed by, going up to the many booths set up, eating the street food offered, and dancing to the music. Occasionally placing an offering of their own.

Flowers decorated the altars in all sorts of colors, a few even held items that belonged to the long gone owners. All of them would have a painting or picture of some kind featuring the one it was dedicated to. He even saw one or two hand drawn by a child.

In the center of it all were eight gravestones, each one dedicated to the eight fallen heroes.

"Dad, I need to tell you something."

Tormak turned to see his daughter, with the Legend Beast behind her along with someone wearing a cloak.

"Whose that?" He pointed towards the stranger, whose crimson eyes stared back.

Li'Ella gave a nervous chuckle. "Okay. Dad. I'm gonna get everyone's attention. But I just want to say. This is going to fix everything."

A smile. A genuine smile that Tormak hadn't seen in a while blessed her face. He couldn't help but give her one in return at the sight of how happy she looked.

"Alright. But what exactly are you planning?"

"You'll see." She called behind her as she roared to get everyone's attention. Music stopped.

People turned towards the lioness.

She stood up on a nearby bench, the cloak stranger standing beside it.

All eyes were on them.

She cleared her throat.

"As you all know, I constantly return to our old home to retrieve things that were lost. Things that many thought they would never see again. I do this because I want those memories to stay alive. I want people to know what they had and who we lost. But today, I bring something that will not just to remind people of the past-"

A nervous looking Flinx walked up beside Tormak, as the panther stared in confusion.

"- but inspire hope for a brand new future. Today, upon the tenth anniversary of the loss of our loved ones, I bring you home one of our own. I bring you the FireWings-"

The stranger began removing the cloak.

"-And with them: Laval!"

Many gasped at the sight of the long dead lion. A few fainted. One screamed. Tormak stared in awe at the sight, eying the fire chi in his harness.

Laval waved. "Hey, everyone. I'm back. Heh, heh."


A meeting with each leader of each tribe wasn't something Laval wanted to do at the moment but it's not like he could say no.

Each Legend Beast had also come along with their respective tribal leader, but not before giving Laval their respective greeting by hugging him, playing with his mane with beaks, and even getting a playful nibble from the Crocodile Beast.

They all stood in an exact replica of phoenix's old temple, right down to the flowing lava, fire chi glowing in something that looked kinda like a bowl.

Almost all the leaders he knew were still alive and well, just old and wearing warmer clothing. He couldn't help but cast a glance at Crominus and Crunket, who stared at the lion in disbelief. Maybe they're thinking the same thing Li'Ella did. If I can come back, so can Cragger.

The thought made him wonder what his sister, Crooler, must be up to, as she was not present during the meeting (nor was Lavertus).

He did, however, see the new Wolf and Raven leaders: Windra (who had a master poker face), Razcal (who looked super worried), and Flinx. But no Fluminox. Which meant-

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