Chapter 9 - Frost on the Leafs

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It was actually really easy to find Gorzan as Cragger, Laval, the Gorilla Legend Beast, and Li'Ella headed closer and closer to his home.

They sensed his light amongst the highest branches of the very trees he loves so much. The only problem was the fact that there were mammoths standing around the very tree he was at. Just like that vulture had texted, so at least they weren't lying.

"So much for a discrete rescue..." Laval mumbled.

The Gorilla Beast cooed in agreement.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Cragger asked them.

"We can probably knock down a tree or two as a distraction. Or to even knock them down."

"We do need to clear out this forest since I'm pretty sure all these trees are dead. We'll need the space to plant new ones." G'Loona said sadly, Cragger mumbling a soft yeah.



"Wha-" He almost screamed before Laval forced his snout shut. "What are you doing here?" His best friend asked for him.

"Saving Gorzan! What else? I heard your plan when I was heading to the bear's blacksmithery and I wanted to tag along."

Li'Ella pulled out a small blaster. "Well, do you know a good way to get up to Gorzan? We can keep you covered down here."

The Gorilla Beast grinned.

Let us know when you find him.

G'Loona nodded, a playful smile tugged at her face as she headed off to a nearby tree.

She manovered up the tree easily. Remembering each and every branch she needed to take to get up to the top. It felt like freedom to simply climb up a tree from her home again. Sure, the Outlands had some good plants, aside from those that were both mean and green. But to actually return to her jungle and reach for each limb of one of her wonderful trees, climbing closer and closer to someone she considered family!

Why, it felt like freedom!

She practically flew to the top, almost a little sad the climb was over.

"Okay, how am I supposed to find Gorzan?" G'Loona asked out loud.

She received an answer through a rogue shot that barely missed her.

"Whoa!" She squealed in shock, as she looked over the trees to see Li'Ella firing her blasters, the Legend Beast easily taking them out, and Laval and Cragger activating their firewings. She watched in awe as pure fire escaped their hands but cringed when the two floppily flew around with their brand-new wings. These two were clearly not used to flying. (And was Cragger's wings supposed to be green?)

But when they activated their power, something caught G'Loona's eye. It shimmered among the pure white trees, glowing a soft... pink?

She headed towards it, swooping from tree to tree. Someone must have noticed her as a few shots were fired in her direction. Luckily, she avoided them all thanks to Cragger knocking down the Hunter's with his reckless flying. She couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape her lips at the sight.

But when she saw the one, she considered an older brother to her, the feeling of laughter and joy vanished. Hidden in what could have been a cozy nook of a tree was Gorzan, frozen in ice. A permanite scream on his face. It sent chills down her spin.

But it also made her wonder why no vultures or anyone else with a flying machine didn't see him.

Maybe he was revealed to me because of those fire wings Cragger and Laval activated? The Gorilla girl thought to herself.

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