Chapter 7 - Swamped and Snowed In

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The Crocodile Swamp wasn't exactly a place Laval would call cozy. Especially now that it was being suffocated by ice and snow. Luckily there were no Hunters around to give them their own "icey" welcome. The only living things here were, Laval (was he technically living) Li'Ella, the Crocodile Beast, and-

Laval cast Crooler a suspicious glance.

The crocodile princess gave him one of her own before turning back to her former home. King Crominous and Queen Crunket had insisted that she'd help in their search so they could have someone who knew their swamp well. Why they didn't just send a soldier with them like Crawly or Crug was beyond him. But it was too late to change that now as they walked across the frozen swamp.

"So, I've been through the Crocodile Castle a few times... and have not seen Cragger anywhere. But maybe we can start there anyway?" Li'Ella said, a bit unsure how to go about this.

"Hmm. Maybe I could..."

Laval took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He hadn't slept whatsoever last night, instead he'd mostly spent it focusing on this pulling feeling he had. (Along with practicing summoning the Firewings and putting them away. There wasn't really a point of keeping them out when he didn't even know how to fly. Maybe he can ask the eagles or ravens to teach him.)

If he focused on this pull enough, he could feel them close by. As if all he had to do was just reach out and pull them out of their own dreamless slumber.


Did he even need to sleep anymore? Or eat or drink, since he wasn't really hungry or thirsty.

He should just keep focusing.

Focus on the feeling. Focus on the feeling. Focus-

"Any day, lion." Crooler remarked.

"I'm trying my best Crool- Oh My Cavora, he's in the lake." Laval suddenly said, as he pointed down.

Below they could see different shapes of different colors, perhaps fish and plant life that had been frozen in the deep. But one reddish orange looking blob stood out amongst it all. That had to be Cragger.

"Hmm. Well, it's a good thing I came along when neither of you fur bags can swim." Crooler snapped.

"You can't exactly swim in ice." Li'Ella remarked.

The Crocodile Beast slapped its tail on the ice in annoyance.

"No bickering! We must save the young crocling. Laval and I shall melt the ice, and Crooler shall head down and grab him."

"Oh, yeah I can do that." Laval said with a smile. He kinda forgot that with the firewings he didn't just get the wing part of the deal.

Li'Ella pulled out her ax. "I'll keep watch." she declared and ran off.

The Crocodile Beast turned towards Laval.

Alright, cub. Point your hand towards the ice, and direct that fire you have inside of you towards it.

"Okay, like this." Laval directed the palm of his hand towards the lake. The Beast nodded.

The entire time, Crooler watched in silence as the lion took a deep breath then gasped in awe as pure fire flew from his hand. He backed up as it melted away the icy prison, the Crocodile Beast doing the same as she began to blast the spot with a fiery breath. Laval grinned at the sight, feeling great pride for this new power. He may be a walking zombie but at least he was a fire manipulating zombie. It would have been a great moment for him if the person who hurt his friends and family so badly wasn't standing right next to him.

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