Chapter 2 - A Sleepy Place Called Home

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10 Years Later

Flinx took a deep breath as they focused all of their energy on a teacup. It felt ridiculous in a way, a phoenix reaching out both his hands towards a piece of china, but they lacked the usual equipment to make Fire Chi.

Thanks to Him.

"That's it... you got it... just a little bit stronger." Foltrax said, impatiens tracing his voice just a bit. He was more into driving around super fast but that was kinda super hard in the Outlands. And since his ship crashed.

Something else that was his fault.

Flinx stomped his foot in frustration, startling Foltrax a bit.

He sighed. "Sorry. I just- THIS IS HARD!" Flinx shook his head as Foltrax gave him a look full of pity. One he didn't deserve.

"Come on, Flinx. You'll get it eventually. You just gotta find that spark again." Foltrax said, as he directed his hand towards the cup.

With a wave of his claw, pure energy flowed from Foltrax to the cup. And in a matter of seconds, an orb of fire chi sat inside it. Flinx picked up the chi as Foltrax patted him on the back.

"Why not give that to Li'Ella? I hear she's going out on another trip..." Foltrax said.

Flinx nodded, pulling his fluffy cloak closer to his shoulders, before leaving their makeshift temple.

Out into the so-called "home."

The Outlands was the only place not touched by the Hunter's icy claws which meant it was the only refuge left.

Over the next few days after the war had been lost, the survivors of Chima would come to make it their home.

The eagles, ravens, and phoenix made it here first, easily avoiding the danger below as they flew.

Next came the wolves, whose vehicles were easily able to tread through foreign territory.

Then the crocodiles, who knew a lost battle when they saw one and helped the beavers along the way.

The Gorillas, Rhinos, and Bears came in a small group, all three of their tribes on the brink of extinction all thanks to one battle.

Occasionally those without a tribe would scurry into their makeshift campsite, with many phoenix going out to find any survivors.

Many didn't come back.

Then lastly came the lion tribe: Lavertus and Li'Ella.

The only ones left.

And so began their new life. In a place they had dubbed Santuario.

Adjusting to the Outlands had been difficult. There were of course the plants that would try to eat people, but thanks to the Phoenix's fire (and certain skunk) they were easy to deal with.

But of course it can't be TOO easy. As there were also the Crawlers, who while not enthused to have new guests, seemed to have a change of heart after getting their butts handed to them by the Hunters, and "allowed" everyone to stay. It took some time to get used to their... neighbors but some of them were pretty nice.

As Flinx walked through town he gazed at all the usual spots it had to offer. There was the crocodile's makeshift lake, the ravens mini flea market in town square, and a spot just for Gelsi the Gorilla to teach meditation. Something G'Loona had been insisting Flinx visit to calm his vibe.

"Hey, Firestarter!"

Speak of the devil.

Flinx gave the approaching G'Loona and Wonald a mischievous grin.

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