Chapter 3 - Right There Where You Left It

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Just like always, it was cold.

Li'Ella held the Lion Beast tight as they ran through the blinding white freeze. Past the long dead trees, past the ice cold hills. Past all the landmarks that acted more like tombstones now.

There was the Wolves' old campsite.

The Gorilla's old forest.

The Raven's junkyard.

The Crocodile swamps.

The Rhino's quarry.

The Bear's resting place.

The ruins of the Eagle's library.

She memorized every landmark, every path, every stone knowing which turn to take, which paths were safest, and where hunters would reside. Sometimes a Hunter would spot her but not attack. Maybe they assumed her capture was pointless, they already took so much after all. Maybe they're just letting her have this.

She still remained careful. Avoiding all the Hunter's own towns and keeping a weapon on her at all times. As they passed the ruins of the Eagle Spire and as the sun began to set, the Lion Beast stopped.

Do you wish to continue forward?

They knew Li'Ella struggled with visiting the Lion Temple, witnessing the slaying of your entire tribe for a second time was no easy burden to bear. She hadn't even really gone anywhere near the place. Not like she could. It was crawling with Hunters ever since that sabertooth ass took it over and declared it as his own castle. No doubt exploiting the chi that the collapsed mountain somehow still produced.

But today felt different.

It's been ten years since it all happened. Ten years since she lost them but she wanted to see it again. Maybe even take a memento from the Temple.

It's not like anyone else will claim it in the village.

She patted the Legend Beast on the head. "Let's go."

The two crouched in the forest near the Temple, watching as Mammoths, Vultures, and Ice Bears headed up the stairs of what they now dubbed The Saber Tooth City. Lights shined bright inside as music played for their own celebration. No doubt celebrating the anniversary of their victory.

Rage boiled in the lioness as she watched those who oppressed her people get all dolled up and enjoy some damn party. She wanted to burn each and everyone of them alive. Just like what they did to her tribe.

She softly growled in rage, eyes shooting daggers. She was so distracted with her emotions that she didn't even notice the centerpiece that stood at the top of the steps as everyone cleared away.

Until the Lion Beast whined and nudged her side.

"Wha- what is..."

Li'Ella's eyes now filled with shock when she saw it.

When she saw him.

Frozen like a statue.

Put up like nothing but a decoration.

Still wearing the fire wings.

His red mane is still as bright as ever, despite the burning blue that caged it.

"Laval..." she practically sobbed.

Was his body really here this whole time? And she was too full of grief and guilt to even bother finding it?

Perhaps the Legend Beast read her mind as he leaned closer to her, Li'Ella patting his mane.

"I... I... we have to bring him back..." She stood up. "He can't be here... he should be with his people. His... family." At least to be given a proper burial.

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