Chapter 8 - Together Again

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Cragger had no idea what was going on.

But apparently, he died, so that was new.

Also, apparently Chima got taken over by the Hunters forcing everybody to move into the Outlands where they have been living for ten years but now, he, Laval, and all his other friends are their only hope in getting Chima back. So, no pressure, it's not like you can die again.

Oh, yeah and he DIED!


Cragger stuck by Laval's side the whole time as he gave him a tour of the town, heading closer and closer to the new croc castle. The Crocodile Beast doing the same, following the pair around and urging those who wanted to crowd them to give the revived some space. 

Li'Ella went to inform Tormak of the situation, while Crooler ran ahead to tell their parents, Plovar following after his sister. (The little bird wanted to give the two princes some alone time. Giving Cragger a wink, and the croc fighting every urge to just jump in the nearby river and drift away from this conversation.)

Wait, his parents hadn't seen him in ten years, while the last he saw them was technically a few hours ago? Since he didn't remember anything when he died. Except for the pain that he didn't like to think too hard about. Man, this was all intense!

"There's where the ravens sell their stuff. That's where the gorilla's grow food. And there's where the wolves be their loner selves."

"Does everyone just live together now?" Cragger asked.

A "huh" escaped Laval before he answered the question. "I... guess so. I hadn't realized it. But yeah."

"Hmm. This feels..."

"Like you blinked and then suddenly everything and everyone around you just decided to move on without you?" Laval suggested.

"Yeah... in a way." Cragger mumbled. Laval took his hand, and a muffled squeak almost escaped him due to the lion's actions. "I know this is all scary and stuff but... I'm glad you're here with me. It brings me some comfort to know that we're in this together again." His warm smile melted the Crocodile Prince's heart.

"Oh, Laval. Why do you have to be so damn sappy, huh?" Cragger said, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

The lion chuckled. "Just trying to let you know how much I love you guys."

Right. 'You guys.' Speaking of...

"So, you feel this thing too, right?" Cragger asked.

"All the time." Laval practically breathed.

"Who should we find next then?" It felt like a question too cruel to ask. Which one of their friends would be brought back into the world of the living next?

Cragger guessed they chose him after Laval because of how close the swamp was to the Outlands. From there it was sort of open season for reviving buddies. Though he had a feeling finding Eris would be the hardest as she would probably be closest to the Lion Temple. Aka closest to that Saber-tooth freak and his subjects.

Well now he and Laval are freaks too...

Laval squeezed his hand in reassurance. But it seemed like he was still searching for that feeling himself.

"Well, maybe... uh... Gorzan? The trees will provide some coverage and we can use the strength." Laval said.

The Crocodile Beast nodded.

"I shall inform the Gorilla Beast of your decision."

Leaving the two to their own devices.

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