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Everyone had packed all their things. It wasn't a lot of things.

Raven had left to drive the ship; she was going to follow them in another anomaly that was a way from the woods.

The rest of the group followed Bellamy.

Grabriel decided to stay with his people; he would only walk them to the anomaly since he had the records on his screen.

Hand in hand, they all went through, leaving Gabriel behind.

They had to walk for an hour to get to the camp area.

There two houses were built, and the beginning of a third one. It started to look like a small neighborhood. Every house had a small garden in the backyard.

"I know it's not a lot, but not that I have more hands; we can build the rest of the houses."

Violet looked around at the peaceful place. The kids began to run around. Hope called them to show them her house and room.

The majority would have to live in tents for the time being. "Does this take you back to where we met," Violet asked as she was setting the tent.

"You wanted to be away from everyone, and look at you now," he gestured to the tent of their friends. They were Raven's neighbors. Her tent was only a few feet away.

"I've changed," she breathed out. It wasn't a bad change; she didn't feel it as such. She wasn't an angel or a good person she knew that, but maybe little by little, she could be better.

Everyone placed their tents around each other. Wonkru was more to the left side, distancing themselves.

They all ate outside as the stars shone in the dark night. The same way they had done all those years ago when they arrived at Earth.

A new life awaited them. It was hard for the following weeks. Violet hated it, but she was excited to build her own home. For her and her kids.

As Violet was getting a few supplies to start building the houses, John looked at her; he was happy to have her in his life; he was happy he was given a second chance in life. 

Even though he didn't think he deserved it. Seeing Violet and the kids made him want to be better to give the kids a better future than what he and Violet had to go through.

He wrapped his arms around her resting his chin on her neck, "I love you," he whispered in her ear, making her smile.

She talked with Murphy about not having their house too close with the others. The other houses were practically shoulder length; she wanted a bit more distance. 

It was strange for the 100 to be able to live their lives peacefully without someone wanting to kill them in every corner. It was an adjustment they had to make.

It was boring for Violet, but she got all her frustrations in hunting for food. It was a way she could continue to kill without actually hurting another human.

She was the best hunter in the group. After hunting so often, she actually enjoyed going out and exploring her little home. She even would help others to hunt.

Violet showed her kids how to hunt; one day, they would go on their own and bring them food.

Elliott would scare the animals as he would step in a branch or talk too loud, excited when he found an animal.

Eloise was a natural; she listened to her mothers every word and followed her like a shadow. After she practiced frequently using her weapon of choice, a bow and arrow, she was unstoppable. Soon enough, she would take Violet's job.

Everyone in their new little town had a role to make. Violet had hers proving food for everyone and baking a mom.

Bellamy and Clarke talked about what they did to each other. They were good friends; they knew they could always count on each other even though they would disagree at times, but where would the fun be if they agreed on everything. Because of that, Bellamy and Clarke became the new leader of Iremore. They took the decisions wanting what's best for their people, the head and the heart, together.

Violet wasn't too thrilled knowing that Clarke was in charge once again, but they had made a vote; even though she didn't want to admit it, they had made it this far because of all the good and bad decisions Clarke had made over the years.

They built their society from the ground up rules and laws had changed. Even though Clarke and Bellamy were in charge, they would always ask their friends for help and advice; they cared about their opinion. They had been together through it all as the years went by.

Monty would make up the laws and enforce them. He always saw the good in people.

Raven helped them by mapping out improvements in their society and resolving a few issues they might face.

Echo and Miller were the force keeping everyone in line.

Jackson needed help as a medic and started training people. It surprised everyone when John Murphy showed up wanting to help others. He had always helped others in one way or another. This was a good way to help out their people.

Harper taught in the small school they had built. The kids were excited to learn and play. They didn't need to worry about danger or being chased by grounders like their parents.

Octavia and Diyosa taught a self-defense class. There was no war or an apocalypse waiting to happen, but it would hurt them to be prepared in case of an emergency.

They were all living in harmony. They were getting used to not having to worry about making hard decisions deciding who gets to live and who gets to die.

They all ate peacefully as the stars decorated the sky. They laughed and talked and shared about their day. Violet rolled her eyes playfully as Raven made a comment.

This was the life Violet always deserved, even though, at times, she might not believe it. She had struggled to get to that point but deep down she knew it was worth it.

She placed her hand on John's tight he grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. They both smiled at each other.

Peace looked good on them.


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