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"Violet, come on, I found something," John told her early in the morning of the next day. Both of them went inside a lighthouse. It had food, a pool table, alcohol, motorcycles, and much more.

"What do you think," he said, looking at her. "I'm hungry," she said weakly. John helped her get on the sofa and brought food for the both of them.

While they were eating, the doors closed and were unable to open. "John, we can figure that out later," Violet told him, getting the sleeve of his jacket and making him sit next to her. She slept for a few hours, resting her head on John's chest; he didn't move and only hugged her.

John turned on the tv, and a video started playing. A guy named Christ was on the screen, and he was sitting on the same sofa where Violet and John were. "I tried to stop her. I'm so sorry!" Christ said, bringing the gun to his chest. With the sound of the gun, Violet woke up looking around alarmed, "V, it's ok," John told her, realizing that there's no threat; Violet again rested her head on his chest.

Another man appeared on the screen calling for Chris, "I knew it, the news was wrong. It wasn't China. The stupid son of a bitch let A.L.I.E. out," the man said as he saw Chris dead.

"Do you think his ghost is here," Violet asked, lifting her head from his chest to look at John. "Do you believe in that," he asked her. She shrugged "never seen one, so I guess no, but it would be cool." Violet got up, "I'll look around to see what I find," she told him. John nodded and continued looking at the video.

She walked upstairs and saw a door, she pushed it open, revealing a bed; she walked into the room and saw a closet with a few clothes in. There's another door Violet walked to the door opening it; she saw a restroom. She didn't realize that seeing a restroom would make her this happy. She jumped around happy; that she was able to shower and take away Harris' blood from her body.

"John, there's a shower in here," she yelled from the top of the stairs. She quickly went back to the restroom and took off her clothes. The cold water hits her back and all the sand, dirt, and blood fell off her chest down the drain. She closed her eyes, enjoying how the cold water felt on her skin.

"Violet, are you in here," John asked, walking into the room. "I'm in the restroom," she yelled. She got out of the shower and opened the door a little, only showing her face, "John, the water feels so nice you should shower," she told him as her face was wet and the water dripped down her hair to the floor.

"I'll shower once you're done," he told her, not looking at the restroom door. She didn't close the door all the way and started to change. John didn't want to look, but somehow his eyes betrayed him; he was already looking at Violet bareback. She put on a big shirt that she had found in the closet. Once she had her shirt on, she turned around, and John quickly looked away.

"It's all yours," Violet said, walking out of the restroom "what is," he asked her, looking at her face, not wanting to look anywhere else. "The restroom, I'm done," she said, pointing at the restroom door. "Oh, right, I'll shower then."

While John was showing, she went to the bed; it was the first time since she got there on earth that she was able to have a proper bed. She stretched all over the bed "shit," she said as her arm hurt from the creature the other day.

John got out of the restroom without his shirt on and his hair wet. "Looking good, Johnny boy," she smiled as she saw a small blush on his cheeks. "Where are you going," she asked as he was opening the door. "I'm sleeping downstairs on the sofa," he said with his hand on the doorknob. "Why?" "Because you are sleeping on the bed." She sat up, "The bed is big enough for the both of us now come here," she told him, patting the side of the bed next to her. John walked up to the bed and moved the blanket he was lying next to her. "Goodnight, John." "Goodnight, V"


Violet woke up the next morning, and she didn't see John next to her on the bed. She got up and walked downstairs, "John," she called out his name. "I'm in here," he said from the small kitchen. "I have divided the food. It's not much, but it will last us for maybe almost three months," John said, looking at the food, not sounding too sure.

"And the door won't open. I have tried everything," he pointed at the door; several things were on the floor by the door. She assumed there were the things he had used to open the door.

"We should enjoy being safe and worry about the food and the door later," she told him. "We don't have to run from grounders and worry if we will get banned from camp," she walked to his side. "That's true, what do you want to do?"

"First, let's eat," she said, getting the food that John had divided.


A few days had passed since the doors were sealed. Some days it was boring, and John and Violet decided to stay in bed all day.

Sometimes while they were in bed, they would talk about their lives before they were prisoners, but Violet didn't remember much since she was locked up since she was six years old.

"Where you scared," he asked her, facing her. "No, at first it was nice. I felt safe being alone, but then the weeks turned into years, and I felt like I was going insane," she told him truthfully. Because the people at the ark and she had killed again the two guards they thought she wasn't safe to be around all those years, she never saw anyone, only the guards when they would give her the food.

"I don't think I would have lasted that long," he said honestly. "You just need an imagination to survive; I think it helped me."

"Can I ask you something, Violet" he wasn't sure if she was going to answer his question, but he had been curious to know the answer since he knew who she was. She nodded, putting her two hands under her cheek as she looked at him.

"Why did you kill your parents?"

That question took her back all those years when she was a young child. She was a different person then. "My father would come late from work, and he would lay next to me. It started out normal. I didn't think anything bad of it at the time. He started by caressing my hair, then my cheek; then he moved to my legs. It felt weird. I didn't like it, but he was my father. I thought he was never going to hurt me. It continued like that until he did other things, I told him to stop, but he said that it was ok that he would never hurt me."

She looked up at the ceiling remembering that day. "One night while he was next to me in bed, my mom woke up, and she saw us, and you know what she did. She turned her head and went back to sleep. I think something that night snapped inside of me. Your parents are supposed to help you to protect you from people like them, but they didn't do that," she said with so much anger and pain inside of her it was the first time in years she talked about those days.

"So the next night when he was next to me I got a small knife that I was hiding under my blanket. I looked at him in the eyes, he was smiling at me, and that was when I killed him. I stabbed him in the neck; he looked at me like I had betrayed him. Like he didn't expect that from me. I got out of my bed while he was trying to ask for help, and I went to my mother's bed. I moved the blanket, and I stabbed her on the neck as well. I looked at them, how they were dying, how the light was leaving their eyes, and I didn't do anything to help them. I just watched them until I was sure they were dead. And that's how I killed my parents." She had a thin smile on her face as she said that.

She was expecting John to run away to be scared of her to tell her how she was lying to tell her that it was her fault what her father did to her. It was how people reacted when she told the chancellor and the guards that night, but John was different; he didn't do those things.

She was taken back as he got closer to her and hugged her "you were so young, Violet; no one should go through what happened to you."

She smiled at him and hugged him back.

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