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As the sun rose, a new problem surfaced.

In Sanctum, there were the prime believers, the criminals, the children of Gabriel, Wonkru, and the rest of the 100.

The primes wanted the temple for themselves and wanted Russell back. The children of Gabriel wanted to kill Russell. The criminals wanted destruction, and it didn't matter with who. Wonkru wanted to follow the commander.

Lastly, Clarke only wanted peace and to have the compound ready. It was going to take them a few years to get it ready.

First, they needed to do something to resolve their biggest issue. Which was people trying to kill each other. They needed more guards before everything went off the rails.

Even though he didn't want to, Miller asked Violet to join him as a guard. He couldn't lie, he wasn't her biggest fan, but she was good at fighting. She had skills that could be useful for them. He only hoped he wouldn't regret his decision.

"Oakley, do you want to be part of the guards," Miller asked the blonde girl.

She had cut her long blonde hair the night before. It got in her way when fighting. Now her hair was by her shoulders. She was in the middle of getting bangs. She lowered her blade. "Do I get a gun," she eyed the gun he had in his hands.

He was hesitant before responding. "Yes," he said slowly.

"I'm in." She clapped her hands together repeatedly.

He handed her a smaller gun than his. She grabbed it and pointed around with a wicked smile.

"Do you still think it was a good idea," another guard asked Miller. "Shut up," he mumbled.


She went to the palace with the others. Clarke didn't let anyone stay.

The children of Gabriel were mad at the believers. But after a somewhat peaceful conversation, they all left. Sanctum wasn't big enough for everyone.

The tavern was full, and there was no more space to sit down. The children of Gabriel were on one side, while the criminals were on the opposite side.

The children of Gabriel began to stand up and leave their spots. "Oakley, let's go," Miller called her.

She got up, "Duty calls," she said and walked.

"You forgot your gun," Murphy said from where he was sitting, holding a drink in his hand.

With her palm, she hit her forehead. She rushed to it and grabbed it.

She kissed his head, "Love you, Johnny boy." She left him alone, drowning in his own thoughts.

A large crowd was outside near where Russell was being detained.

Miller opened the door. Clarke and Indra entered, and she stayed by the door. They were moving Russell to the palace; Indra thought he would be safer there.

Russell didn't know why Clarke would protect him after everything he had done.

Violet never understood Clarke's reasoning; she always did something different.

Violet walked by Russell's side. Miller was behind him, and Indra was in the front.

People began to push, wanting to get closer to Russell. It became crowded; there was no room for them to move.

Violet raised her gun. "No, Violet," she heard Miller say from behind her.

"Have we learned nothing," Murphy shouted, pretending to be a prime. "Let them through."

Since the people of Sanctum believed John was one of them, he got the chance to sleep in the palace. Leaving behind Violet and the kids to live in the big yellow farmhouse with the others.

"Don't worry, Johnny boy, you might need a guard to protect you from the ones who want your head," she said with a wink.

It was annoying taking orders from Miller, but it was her new job. She had never worked in her life. It was something new for her. Soon enough, she would get used to their new lives. One way or another, they needed to live peacefully with each other.

The kids were happy they were able to stay and go back to school with Jordan and Madi. They were a little confused about the situation with their father. "Why is dad not staying with us," Eloise asked once her mother picked her up from school.

Her kids walked beside her, one on each side. "He is playing pretend right now. To keep us safe."

Elliott scrunched his eyebrows and looked up at his mother. "Are you playing pretend," he asked her.

She shook her head, "I'm not playing pretend. For the time being, it's going to be the three of us until it's safe for the four of us to be together again."

The kids didn't understand the situation they were in. Their little brains couldn't comprehend the danger they could be in.

"Does he still love us," Elliott asked sadly. They were getting close to their new home. Violet stopped walking and stood in front of them. She kneeled to be at eye level with her kids. "Your father loves you two more than anything. Never forget that."

She kissed their foreheads and extended her hands for them to take. Each kid grabbed one hand, "I love you mom," Eloise said. "I love you more," argued Elliott. "No, I love her more," Eloise said, raising her voice.

No one had ever fought for her. No one had ever loved her so much as her kids did. Violet was happy to have found John and to have her kids with her at this moment in her life.

The kids argued with each other until they went to sleep in their bed. Both kids had to share a bed in the small room.

Violet didn't have much time to rest; she barely took off her shoes when she heard a loud sound. She almost tripped, putting her boot back on.

Quickly she went down the stairs. Clarke was getting ready to leave Gaia stayed with Madi. "Keep an eye on my kids, too," Violet yelled as she got out of the house.

The explosion was only a distraction. No one was injured, but the children of Gabriel made it known they wanted to kill Russell by the second moon.

They had to make a choice. Things changed when Clarke set the palace up in flames.

Miller banged on the door where Clarke and Russell were locked up.

John was in the palace too; she needed to find him before he burned alive. She left her spot with the guards and ran down the hall. She called out his name, but he didn't answer.

At the end of the hall, there was a large door. She ran to it and opened it, half asleep. John was barely waking up. "What's going on," he asked, coughing. "Clarke," Violet simply responded.

The hallway from where she came from was covered in smoke. With his hand, John covered his mouth. Violet coughed, and her eyes burned. She started to sweat from the heat. The exit was just up ahead.

As they both exited the palace alive, Murphy wrapped his arm around her back. The castle was burning down, and it could not be saved.

Clarke got out of the palace and stood in front of the balcony. She watched the crowd who had gathered outside. "Sanctum is free! There are no kings or queens or Primes here! We have no use for a palace. We are the last of the human race, and we've all made mistakes. Tomorrow, Russell Prime dies for his."

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