The rest of the Russo's, Romanov's, and Bianchi's are on their way to the big family mansion which they have in their private island, excited to have a family day together.

A few hours without working or the constant need to check on the mafia and other work related things. Because the grandmas made sure everyone attends every birthday party of the family members and don't work till after the family dinner and they've created the guests.

All the boys were wearing suits, but Luca, Marco and Aurelio took their blazer and tie off and the first few buttons are open. Elio was wearing his without the blazer while Antonio, Elias and Ambrose were wearing their professionally. Antonio being the heir he must be professional, and Elias and Ambrose have always liked to act like adults and likes to be professional.

They were all wearing their watches and the family necklace, except the triplets since they haven't gotten theirs yet.

Meanwhile while the family were talking and arguing they didn't hear the rest of the family arriving. Two ladies who look not a day older than forty, one having blue-green-eyes and the other ice blue eyes. They call out for their grandchildren, making their presents known, with the rest of the families following behind.

All the younger kids started running to their grandmothers to get smothered with kisses and hugs, except the older five thinking that they are too old for hugs and kisses.

When they were done with the younger ones, they went for the elder ones making them groan and act as if they were annoyed. But deep down they love it they just didn't show it thinking that it will make them look soft.

The triplets started talking with their grandma's about how excited they are to open the gifts they brought for them and eat cake with family and friends. The grandmothers were listening happily their eyes glistening with happiness and love.

The family finally settles down at the dining table after greeting each other ready to fill their stomach with traditional food and dessert that Angela made with her mother and the chefs.

After the family were done there was a knock on the door, after opening it their met with a bunch of wide smiles from their friends.

They greet each other all the kids went with their friends having fun not having a care or knowing what's going to happen tonight.

After hours of celebrating, it's finally time for the cake and presents.

The kids got many wonderful gifts. The last presents were from their whole family. The triplets looked at each other excited and enthusiastic to see the special gifts.

They quickly ripped off the gift papers with big smiles plastered on their faces enthusiastically opening the wrapped gifts and the little box.

Once they had opened it, they see that it was the family necklace which is a black snake wrapped around a golden dagger.

The necklace represents that you're a part of the Russo family or that you're very close with the them.

They've had it for generation and everyone in the underworld knows not to mess with the ones who has this, or they'd had to face the Italian and Spanish mafias wrath and brutality.

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