Chapter 39 - The Promise

Start from the beginning

It makes sense now.

Was I the reminder of his past? Of the likes of Olivia?

"Well, in all fairness, I was that kind of a person anyway. The funny thing is, all the bad things you're thinking about me were all true, I was just too stubborn that time to admit it to myself. I was a brat. I was defensive, that's probably the reason I got angry at you. You're not being judgey, you're just stating the facts." I confessed.

You're just being cautious. You're just being careful not to be used again and be broken. I wanted to add those, but wasn't so sure if this was the right moment for that.

"Something happened." He pointed out, not ask, as if he already knew why I was acting like this. It was still a wonder to me how he can read me so easily, as if he'd known me for so long. Was I that transparent? He was so sure about my thoughts, and it was hard to lie to him. When I didn't respond, he followed up. "Jackson?"

I nodded in affirmation. I let out a small smile, just to assure him that it was okay, what Jackson did was understandable.

"I'm sorry for that." He apologized in a sad tone, I was about to protest and assure him it was okay, but he already carried on talking. "Well, to be honest, I'm not really surprised. I actually expected him to come to you."

"He is a good friend, Chad. He's just looking out for you. And he was right to do it, to protect you from the likes of me. To be honest, I wasn't proud of what I did before,"

"That was before." Chad interrupted, his hand on my cheek. It was warm, like him. "What's done is done. No good things happen to people who dwells on the past." He stated in a matter of fact.

Though it was moving, I find it frustrating that he forgives people so easily. Forgive and forget. It was not even in my vocabulary. I was so used to revenge, taste of your own medicine, but Chad was so forgiving, and it was so painful to hear.

"How can you forgive so easily? Don't you hold any grudges to the people who did bad things to you?" I couldn't hold myself any longer, I have to ask him this.

"Well, think of it this way. If you hold any grudges, you let that person who hurt you continue to control you—you allow them to maintain authority over your emotions. You let them win. Unlike if you forgive them, you're letting go of all the string of emotions they hold against you. That's why I just forgive them, and let it be. Hoping that it will just serve a lesson for them in the future."

"But," I wanted to protest, he was too precious for this world. He should at least have an ounce of hatred towards these people, but none. He was that kind of a person. It was inspiring, but frustrating at the same time. Yet, I couldn't help but feel at awe. This was probably one of the many wonderful things I love about him, what made me fall madly in love with him.

Rare and genuine.

"Right now, all I could think of is, if that didn't happen to me, I wouldn't have transferred school, and I wouldn't have met you."

God, this guy really knows how to calm my raging heart! His heart melting declaration made me blush, I could feel the hotness on my cheeks already, and I must have looked like a red tomato now!

He definitely caught me off-guard and I hate myself for not having a retort on that! Will there be a time I would make him lost for words too?

"Let's forget about that, okay?" Chad thankfully changed the topic. I just hope he didn't think I found it uncomfortable. He just made me feel so speechless.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Chad's expression suddenly turned serious.

"What is it?" I asked right away, curiosity killing me.

Chad closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, his stare just got intense. "No matter what happens, don't fight any battles for my sake."

He knew. He probably had guessed that I might do something to extract revenge. I was actually thinking about it, and I bet all my life that my best friends were already stalking Olivia and the others by now.

He knew, and Chad didn't want me to be consumed by it. Forgive and forget. I guess there's no harm in trying new things, right?

I nodded my head in affirmation, and smiled at him.

"As long as you promise not to compromise yourself or give up anything you love for my sake."

That heart stopping smile was back again—the death of me. He leaned in and whispered, "I will do my best not to." Before I could even react, he already shut me up with his lips crashed on mine.

Oh, my daily dose of happy pill.

I wouldn't mind to overdose myself with this from now on.


A/N: my two favourite love birds. I love writing romantic scenes! I hope you're enjoyed reading this!

BTW, please comment what you think of this story so far. I love reading all your comments! And, don't forget to check out my new stories STEAL MY GIRL and LOSE YOU TO LOVE ME.

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